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We have three parts here, [Dentist], [scholarship], [FREE TIME], feel free to skip whichever segment you want to read.






Today was my dentist appointment. Surprisingly enough I fell asleep at 12 am which is really early, if you know me. I woke up at six and was ready to go! We arrived a half hour early so we had to sit and wait a bit.


Anyways, I have never had my teeth cleaned and been talked to in such a manner before. The lady actually cared about my teeth and taking care of them. She truly cared and educated me.


First off I went to have my one loose filling checked, she did x-rays to get a regular check up and see what was going on. There is a little decay under the tooth and the opposite tooth beside it was filled and it has some decay under it as well. Basically my left front tooth and the smaller one beside it need re-done. The x-rays also showed I had one cavity on another tooth. Its one of my lower teeth, its wedge right in between it and I’ve never scene it before so yeah… all I saw was the shadow.


She said my mouth is healthy. I just have a lot of “soft spots” weak layers that can turn into cavities. So she talked to me about using the right toothpaste and offered medical prescription grade stuff that would harden up my “soft spots.” It was $20 but she said she’s seen it do its job and if it was her kid she’d want them to use it.


When we got the x-rays she asked about my wisdom teeth. She needed to know how to set them up. I explained that we had them x-rayed and met with the surgeon last year but weren’t able to have them extracted then. She said, “You know you have to deal with them then, we won’t bother x-raying them.”


My parents kept wondering out loud, “What did they say about your wisdom teeth?”


“They said we already knew I have to get them out.”


I think that pretty much sums that part of the morning up. I could rant about how my mom talked about having her teeth cleaned, since I had it done but I won’t….


I go back next week to have the fillings fixed and my new filling put in. I just need to brush with the special fluoride paste and work on my issues.


She told me that she would rather me drink six cans of pop at once, instead of drinking one can all throughout the day. Every time you take a swig you attack your teeth. I’ve been cutting back on my acidy drinks, or trying to at least. They said don’t be upset or worried about your habits, these problems are from you past habits and not your current ones, don’t let this news deter you.



Onwards and upwards!





I went to the hospital after my dental cleaning and picked up my scholarship letter from my doctor’s office. He had to write a letter for the scholarship board about my Crohn’s diagnosis. He’s supposed to the following information:

> Confirmation of Crohn’s disease diagnosis, including year

> Severity (e.g. mild, moderate, severe) and location of disease. Please estimate lifetime severity, not necessarily current status

> Current therapies for Crohn's disease

> Other medical information the selection committee should know about the applicant

> Please include opinions regarding the applicant's suitability for this scholarship (i.e. illustrations of how the patient


This is what he wrote:



To Whom It May Concern:

Jon [Last Name Removed By Me] is a 20 year old white male who I had originally seen in consultation in June of 2008. He has been found to have suspected Crohn’s Disease of the distal small bowel. At present he is actually doing very well while taking Pentasa 500 2 Q.I.D.


He has adapted to the disease very well and is overall doing very well.


The first thing that nagged is he spelled my name with an “H” and then no “H” right below it. The second thing is suspected Crohn’s Disease? That does not sound like a confirmation of diagnosis… ayi yia yia I think his letter from last year was a bit better in some ways but worse too.


I got the letter though, I suppose. I just have to hope my essay and letters of recommendation win over the board of judges who are medical professionals. I’m in the process of revising the final version of my essay. I have everything else I need to submit and printing out as I type.





I stopped at the local quick mart who does video rentals to check on games. They had LOTR Conquest and Gears of War 2. I was going to go with one of the games but couldn’t decide so I rented the Half Blood Prince since I haven’t watched it yet. They said that today was buy one get one, so I went back and got LOTR. It’s only 10 AM. So I have some free time and sure I have class work to do. I should go and check in on class today before I go sit and play games and watch movies but oh well. I don’t have to baby-sit until after noon. I want to use this time to do something fun. My final drawing isn’t due until Saturday so I have tonight and tomorrow.


Smite me, for I am the personification of procrastination.



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