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Deadshot Moc Blog Contest



The C.I.R.C.L.E. Presents:



(Credit to Makar for the fantastic revised banner.)

This is an MOC contest to create a character who first appeared in the C.I.R.C.L.E. Epic known as the Chronicles of Harvask (Chapters 12 & 13), and will someday be the star of his very own story.


Your mission is to build the true form of the shape-shifting Dark Hunter, codenamed Deadshot, who is both acute and adept with all manner of weaponry.

Here are the Rules:
  1. This contest is open to any and all BZPower members.
  2. All entries
    consist of a Black, Orange, and Silver Color Scheme, though a specific ratio of each color is not important.
  3. All entries can be no smaller than a Tohunga, but no larger than a Kardas, and must include a head, though it can be anything from custom to Kanohi-wearing.
  4. The remaining details including species, powers (in addition to shape-shifting of course), mask, weaponry, etc. are the sole discretion of the entrant.
  5. There is no specific System:Technic Ratio necessary, however all entries should appear somewhat consistent in terms of past Canon BIONICLE Sets.
  6. Painted and modified pieces are perfectly acceptable, particularly if used for aesthetic value or to maintain the necessary color scheme.
  7. Please, no photoshopping, gimping, or otherwise digitally modifying entries.
  8. The winning entry will be accepted as C.I.R.C.L.E. canon, and will be featured on the character's upcoming article on
  9. No other prizes have been declared.
  10. The deadline is tentatively set for Midnight PDT on Friday March 12th, 2010.

Please post entries in this thread under the following format:

  • BZP display name (i.e. ChocoLvr13, Toa_Ausar, etc.)
  • Entry Picture
  • A Brief Description
  • Link To Entry Gallery
  • Link To Entry Topic (not required)
It's that simple, so get MOCing.

Also, don't forget to enter:
(Click for Details)


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Guess I better put mine up now.

Username: ~Zahaku~

MOC Title: Deadshot, True Form

Description: Deadshot is a shapeshifting Dark Hunter who is a master of any weapon, even using a simple staff to deadly effect. He is often seen carrying as much weapons as he can carry but is most commonly seen with his custom sniper rifle, twin pistols, a fire sword and protosteel bladed staff. He also has hidden blades integrated into his armour so he can continue fighting long after being disarmed or for assassinations. He wears a Kanohi Pakiri to add incredible force into his melee atacks without reducing his speed. He likes takeing on the toughest missions that most Dark Hunters wouldnt touch and prefers to work alone.

MOC Entry Picture: Deadshot

MOC Gallery Gallery



Edit: Just fixed some minor spellin mistakes in the description. Hope thats allowed.

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Username: =Kraven=

Description: An orange and black warrior with silver armor, this Dark Hunter is deadly, and accurate with any weapon he can get his hands on, Deadshot is someone you don't want on your trail.

Entry picture


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Username: Nazca


Description: Weaponry not included. He can wield the blades on his arms, however, as separate weapons. He wears no Kanohi mask of power, but rather a mask system that focuses on the crimson light, and scans the area, bringing everything to his eyes at once, in a blur in order to try to increase brain activity-to respond faster.

Gallery, when public

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Here's my entry, also my first MOC =):


-BZP display name: Toa Makar

-Entry Picture: LINK

-A Brief Description: Deadshot is a ruthless and deadly fighter, even when wielding only his claw. He uses the Staff of Fear as a primary weapon, that he took after killing a Rahkshi, to mentally torture his victims with the staff's power and then kill them with the bluntness of it.

-Link To Entry Gallery: LINK

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BZPower / C.I.R.C.L.E. Members-


So sorry I haven't been on here lately. I'm not sure how often I'll be on soon, so I'd like to just give an end-date for this. How does March 12 by midnight sound? And, I cannot send anything out, so there are no other prizes other than your MOC being showcased in Chronicles of Harvask. I'm sorry about that last one, but things here have been rough.



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Does the shade of orange matter? For instance, could we use Oohnorange/Keetorange?
Yes it does matter. The shade should be what LEGO calls simply Orange (i.e. Mata Orange), as seen in all of the current entrants, and not Bright Light Orange (i.e. Metru Orange) or any other shade.



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I'd be interested to know why you'd allow people to physically paint their parts but not digitally?
There are two quick reasons that I can think of off the top of my head:


The first is that the former shows much more of a commitment to the contest than the latter, and the second is that digital enhancement of an entry seems to inevitably almost always affect much more than just the pieces of the creation, i.e. the entrant alters the background, adds glow to the eyes, discharge from the weaponry, and/or countless other special effects that distract from the build itself.


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I'd be interested to know why you'd allow people to physically paint their parts but not digitally?


If I may also add my opinions on the matter- orange pieces, for me at least, aren't the easiest to come by. I mean, many were found in early sets, which I have few of. And personally, I'd rather not dissassemble them.

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