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The enemy's gate is down.


And no, this is not unnecessarily cryptic. You know why? Because not only have I actually indicated that it is meant to be a cryptic reference, but if you don't recognise that line then IT IS ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY AND WILL REMAIN SO UNTIL YOU READ THOSE BOOKS.


And then I get punched by Batman. One's sci-fi, the other's not. Oh yeah.


So! Life! It is fairly busy! Not least of which because I have been and will be flying out to visit and compete for full-ride scholarships at a couple colleges. I went to Benedictine last weekend and had a great time, learned a lot more about the school, and reeeeally don't want to go anywhere else, but I guess I have to try for the others and not throw them because otherwise my mum will keell mee. But yeah, BC was most excellent. I met lots of cool people (including a fine young lady with whom I've been in correspondence for some time), helped lightly prank someone who was gone for the weekend (a birthday tradition, apparently?) by rearranging the keys on his keyboard, played some pool, and stayed up till three on Saturday watching Star Trek (this was after the competition). And it's just a really good place with some really good faith, community, and scholarship. Don't tell anyone, but I just lifted that from their mission. Oh yes.


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