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So Much Going On



(I almost put this under the "Anime" section, but that's pretty much dead as it is.)


There's SNOW 170 miles north in NoVA, at my house. 16+ inches last weekend and another 10 today. Plus, my street wasn't plowed too early on either, so the road is pretty bad. On top of that, below freezing temperatures will not help icy and snowy streets melt into nice and drivable pavement-things.


The plan was to drive up to my house on Friday and then go to Katsucon: the 6000+ attendance anime convention for DC.


The snow, obviously, changes things. I don't quite think I want to drive around with a full mini-van in snow/ice filled streets for 40 minutes to a convention center I've never been to.


On top of that, I have two 3-page essays to write by Monday at 4. (I'll be doing a ton of it Thursday, supposedly, but I don't want to rely on Monday before class at the last minute, and hopefully my Sunday night will be occupied by dinner with a certain someone...) (While my friend suggested I work on my papers in the 3 hour car rides, and Friday night at home, IDK how well that would work.)


But here's the kicker: If I was going up by myself, I would instead not. I would stay and do my homework like a good college kid and not drive in the snow like a good driver with minimal snow-driving experience. However, this thing has been in the planning stages for months now, where a few friends were going too, we would all stay at my house, one would drive up and I'd drive the van with other local friends, and we'd have fun.


"Luckily" it seems like the snow might keep us down here, but it seems like another ride might have appeared, though I don't know how that would go with the fact that there's still undrivable snow.


Ultimately one of my friends is dead set on seeing my best friend/her crush even though he doesn't like her anymore--she just doesn't know that.


-CF :kakama:


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