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Wrinkledlion X


So, I saw two movies yesterday.


First, my friends and I went to the Wolfman, and it was good. It was slightly predictable at times, but overall I enjoyed it a lot. (I'm a sucker for Victorian settings.) The special effects and make-up work were really nice, too. Some good jumpy moments... I've noticed that moments like these make up practically half the running time in modern horror films, but this one handled them pretty well.


(Quick tangent: I remember in "The Hills Have Eyes" they used this really irresponsibly, and after a while I was just laughing at the movie. They'd have the characters at a gas station, ands all of a sudden, ominous music would start playing... Was there a mutant hiding somewhere, unbeknownst to the characters? Then they'd have a cat jump out or something, and I'd just be confused. If there wasn't any danger, why the scary music? At least make the characters think there's a monster before revealing it as a false scare! It was so pointless and cheap it was amazing.)


Anyways, there was a scene in Wolfman where a character was researching werewolves in a bunch of dusty old books, and I recognized virtually every illustration from hokey cryptozoology books I've read. When will they make a good movie about La Bête?



The other movie I saw was Pink Floyd's "The Wall," which was showing on some channel in the high millions at my cousin's house. We spent the whole movie doing one of three things:

  • Struggling to follow the very abstract plot
  • Holding a Beavis & Butthead-style commentary on the movie
  • Or enjoying the trippy animated sequences
I still don't get what happened in that movie.


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Yeah, I've heard that that one is good, but I'd like to see one with a genuine monster rather than a lion. (I do hope to see Brotherhood of the Wolf sometime, though.)

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