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Art Supplies


I have a basic drawing class next and need to get supplies for the course, I just ordered my text books so I’m all set on that part of requirements. I need the following supplies:

  • • Graphite Drawing Pencils (6B, 4B, 2B and HB)
  • Vine Charcoal (soft, medium and hard)
  • • Compressed Charcoal Stick
  • • Black Fine-Point Permanent Marker
  • • Kneaded Eraser
  • • Mars Plastic Eraser
  • • Pink Pearl Eraser
  • Sandpaper Block
  • • Pencil Sharpener (non-electric)
  • • X-acto Blade
  • • Medium weight (80 lbs) Strathmore drawing pad (9x12 to fit most scanner beds or 18”x24” for work that is to be photographed)
  • Re-workable Matte Spray Fixative
  • Natural Drawing Chamois
  • Gray Paper Blending Stump
  • 18”x24” Drawing Board or Easel

I pretty much know what everything is but the stuff I underlined. I actually am pretty sure I know the underlined stuff but I am not 100% certain. If anyone wants to help me figure what exactly the stuff is, let me know. I appreciate the help from my fellow artists. :)




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The best thing I can recommend is enter your terms into a site like BLICK or Daniel Smith, where you get to see visual on what everything is, not to mention compare and order. ;)


Vine Charcoal: I've only played with it, not 100% on what you do with it. People say you can block out forms with it, on like underpaintings or something. I don't want to say for certain that you can just sketch with it, because I can't remember if I did or not.


Sandpaper Block: Here. This explains it best. XD


Re-workable Matte Spray Fixative: Unlike normal fixatives, this lets you work over what spray you've already applied and re-coat the art, if you need to. Normal fixatives simply seal it in and lock it up, so to speak.


Natural Chamois: Again.


Gray Paper Blending Stump: It's for, well ... blending. Mostly for charcoal and pastel. Some people like using a clean fingertip, but after your mother yells at you enough for getting art stuffs on the wall, you turn to blending stumps. XP


18”x24” Drawing Board or Easel: The board looks a lot like an easel. I have one; it's got two big clips at the top, and a rubber band running across it. Really nice for portable drawing. Easel is self-explanatory, I hope.


Again, turning to an art provider is probably your best bet. If I'm not being specific enough, let me know. I've been working with most of this stuff for years, so what may seem easy to me may not be for you. XD

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Thanks a lot! I usually just type in what I need on Google and find some random site, which is usually not very helpful. I think you were fairly specific and cleared up any suspicions I had.


I already have a sandpaper block, but I didn't realize that's what it was. I have never worked with spray fixative before; I purchased it for one class but ended up purchasing the wrong stuff. Would this this be what I need?


I was thinking about ordering it all online, if I could find a store that had it all. But I may just end up going to Michael's like I usually do. ;)

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My professor actually provided us a linked list of all the supplies we needed on Blick, so I just ordered everything. Thanks for the help,


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