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Justice Prevails Again, Or Not.



(CBS) PLAINFIELD, Ill. A 13-year-old Plainfield boy and his parents are stunned and outraged after the teen found a gun in school and turned it in to authorities, who then expelled him.


CBS 2's Dana Kozlov reports Ryan Morgan's parents and supporters attended the school board meeting Wednesday evening to try to fight the expulsion. They believe the punishment, and the subsequent alternative school option, are not the proper responses to a mistake made by a teenage boy.


Ryan Morgan, 13, says he pocketed a pellet gun he and a friend found in their school's bathroom to keep people safe. Morgan's mother says a short time later Morgan gave the gun to the Troy Middle School assistant principal.


"I told him maybe that wasn't the best decision, to remove that gun, but it did lead to you finding the culprit, he was arrested and to put my son in alternative school -- he has no behavior problems," Audrey Morgan, Ryan's mother, said.


The Morgans say there was no reasoning with the principal or with the school superintendent.


"He said, 'The board can give your son full two-year expulsion, I'm asking you not to go before them,'" Audrey Morgan said.


They went anyway, saying they had nothing to lose, only to see the meeting minutes already recommend expulsion.


Roy Morgan says he can't accept that, but accepts his son's decision.


"He said 'I'm going to turn this in' and you know what, I commend my son for making that decision. It was the right decision," he said.


School board officials issued a statement Wednesday night saying due to confidentiality reasons they can't discuss the specifics of this case, but that "purposeful possession of weapons is a serious offense and deserves careful consideration by the administration and the school board."

Credit to GMan for finding this and letting me blogifie it.


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You know, that's just plain stupid. So the kid tries to save everyone from getting shot to death, and what do they do -- they expel him! You can't always blindly follow school policy -- each case is different.

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Isn't that jolly. It still makes me wonder and wonder why we let these people run our education systems (and our supreme courts when they get more "experienced"). That is the most absurd thing I've heard this year possibly in my life.
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That's sad. There seems to be less common sense in the world today.

What was the kid supposed to do? Run to the Asst Principal and hope noone else had found the gun before they returned and started to perhaps harm people?



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