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Oh Right, I Had A Site!



I was reminded today that I had a website, and I feel bad. RiF's been my baby for the past four years, and I've done nothing all semester...heck, maybe as far back as June/July. I've got a LOT of down time, just finished up the main game in Portrait of Ruin and am at a point where I need to spend some time leveling up before I can ice off XII. I picked up some Wii points and got Mario 64, but that's for over break when I have no wireless connection for Mario Kart and Tetris.


So in the meantime, I'm going to try and kick start RiF again. Got some more comics up and hopefully officially end Year 4. In a way, it'll be nice to get reaquianted with some old friends. Though I'm leaving school, and the site will most likely have to come down when I'm no longer allowed to borrow their webspace.


What happens then? If enough people are interested, I could try hosting comics on Maj and using the blog as a means of sharing them. But I'll have to work on that when the time comes. Gage, Mav...I'm back!


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cool! Your own site? You must provide a link. (and if you can't here, PM me, please)

I'd love to see it, you never mentioned anything before here. What's it like? Is it hard to maintain? What type of programing do you use?


And what's RiF stand for?

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RiF stands for Randomness is Funny, I believe.


Anywho, how is Portrait of Ruin? The first Castlevania DS game was really fun, so I might like to pick this one up as well. :)

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CF, RiF is a page I've been keeping up on the campus webspace. You can find a link under the "Homepage" button in the Vital Links content block.


To Watashi, if you liked DoS you'll love PoR. It has a skill system which is similar to the souls and can be quite challenging at times. There's more spoken dialouge than before and some cool worlds to go visit (think Mario 64 but with a hint of insanity).

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