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Bbcc #57...



I will not be entering, due mainly to the fact that I simply have not had time to build something really good, and no mind-blowing ideas came to me to begin with. Sad, yes, but you can't enter them all. There are some really amazing entries this time around; stuff which I would have no hope of competing with. I sorta built a Han Solo, but there wasn't anything innovative about him really... BBCC's just don't hold the weight with me as they used to (I'm growing up I guess) I am looking forward to the voting process though.


In other MoCing news my Fusion Project is very close to completion and once it's done a college friend of mine who is a Photography major (I think) has agreed to do professional photography of the model in an actual studio setting (which will be SO much better than my set-up at home). I look forward to showing him to you guys. :)


So... yeah. Life is good, school is busy (but good), and I'm glad the weekend's here. I can't wait for LEGO Universe to be released but in the mean-time I do believe I'm going to go back to some of my old PC games to crack back open (i.e. Star Wars: Republic Commando)




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