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10 A M (and Matoro Moc)



Ten ay em


That's the time I got up this morning. Christmas Break started at 2:50 last Friday, and now I got to sleep in (finally)

I usually only sleep in till 9, but today was different.


So I got up, had breakfast, MOCed, had lunch, made cookies for my Boy Scout Troop's Court of Honor tonight, and now I'm online.


I MOCed Toa Matoro, for that Bionecle comic contest on an Inika vs a Piraka.

I built him, and am really happy. Except for some chest armor. So I did a little revamp. And now I can't decide on which is better.

Can anyone reading this help me?

view here


I would like some advice as to which is better, or perhaps a better piece instead?



I might set my alarm for 9 tomorrow morning.



*The contest was announced in the back of comic 4. A battle scene between an Inika and a Piraka. (And a story about it). It didn't exactly tell what to do, so I'm MOCing two characters, and I'll have lots of fire around them (like lava)

*The pic to the right was my first idea.

*I put the slizer feet on the joints to act as fingers. That is what others have done. Although if you don't think it looks like a good idea, then I might take them off. But I thought fingers might look good.


-CF :usa:


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I like the second one more (bigger picture). But I'd actually suggest trying something else. Those peices (both pictures) seem to seperate the body too much.

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1. What contest? :blink:


2. If you are limiting it to just those two variations, definitely the second. As for other pieces, no idea, but if you can find something that looks better, use it.


3. Why the Slizer feet on the hand? I've never really seen the point in that, and it's become rather common in Toa MoCs. It looks really weird if ya ask me.


4. In the second pic, is the plus rod holding up the Zamor Launcher and sword (the combination looks rather cumbersome, IMO) bending?!


5. Lucky. :P I have school until Thursday, but the whole school's going to the movies then so I'm not really countin' that.

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Wait...your Christmas Break started already? :blink:

I still got another 4 days. Saturday!

Cool MOC by the way, and like Electric Turahk said, what contest?

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If you only have those two, then go with the one to the right. The one to the left is a bit too thin at the top. Very nice, though. I would also change the hands a bit, because Slizer feet are being used WAY too commonly in new Toa MOCs.


Good luck in the contest, ChocolateFrogs!


EDITSIES: I got out of school last Friday ^_^ I'm a lucky soul.



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