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Bad Movie! Bad! *smacks*



1 week till Christmas! :happydance:




Went to see Eragon today.


Heh... I liked how they did Saphira, and I'm just a total fan of Jeremy Irons in any movie, but the rest of it wasn't very good. The storyline was so mixed around from the book, and they left way too much stuff out... It really wasn't worth my 30 minutes to drive or 11 of my 12 bucks.


But, hey, my dad and bro liked it. Then again, they haven't read the book.


So... yeah, if you also haven't read the book, then this movie'll probably entertain you. If you have read the book... prepare for many story-following troubles.


Ah well. I got to see the new Imagi TMNT trailer, and that made it better. Sorta.




Oh yeah. I had a choir performance yesterday. Ah.. I guess it went well. My cough finally went away, so I was able to last the whole performance without, like, hacking out a lung or something. :rolleyes:


And afterwards, whoo! I got to rip up masking tape off of carpet for a grand total of 1 hour and 15 minutes! How thrilling!


*Note: This was not as easy as it sounds. Masking tape has the nasty habit of sticking well to carpet. Too well. Thus the reason it took us more than an hour.


*smacks Eragon moviemakers across head with masking tape ball*




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Hah. I only read about halfway through the first book. Just wasn't too fond of it. I'm going to see it Thursday though.



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You may call me a loon (It wouldn't be too far off the mark), Nikira, but I realized something about the movie:


They had to fit the movie in under 2 hours.


But still I can't believe they cut Solebum out. And there was NOT enough Murtagh! Grr.

*grabs masking tape and joins the smacking*


Not to say I didn't like it, I wasn't a hald bad movie... Well, more if I hadn't read the book. My Dad liked it more than me or Zarai did.

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Guest Ultimategamemaster


Same feelings here. They cut out the entire desert scene, Brom killed the Razaks when they're main characters in the third book. That was stupid. Durza killed Brom. Never happened. The war scene was pitiful, and the Urgals didn't have horns. Pretty bad of a movie. And no Solembum! Me want Solembum!
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The Movie was SO bad, I was really annoyed though how much they mesed up the characters and their personalities, what is worse though, is that they didn't even have time to know more about the characters.


It was too short, my friend and I proposed it was a low budget movie. T_T


But people who have not read the book--Yeah, they will probably like it. I mean, the movie was entertaining, and I did like Saphira and Brom, but still....Bleh!



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I think CP should've pulled a "George Lucas" and made the movie himself. >.>


BTW, CP did not have any part in making the movie! AAAAHH!



Me wants Solembum!


*Joins TMD and Nikira at whacking the Eragon moviemakers*

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The boo is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much better than the movie! I was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO dissapointed! (Well, actually, it was ok, but the book RULED!!!) Murtagh was only in like, 5 seconds of film!

and they didn't do the whole prophecy, and NO ORIK OR SOLEMBUM!!! WAAAAAAAAAAH!



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I agree, the movie is terrible, non story line following and they should have Solembum and the urgals should have horns. :angry:

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*Watches the writers of the Eragon movie get masking tape marks*


They deserve nothing better! My family and I saw the movie, and none of us liked it. My brother and I -him having read both Eragon and Eldest, me just the first one, did not like the anti-similarities. My dad felt that the movie glazed over the plot and omitted essensial bonding time for the characters. My mom believes that the movie needed to be three hours, like Lord of the Rings.


By the way, does anyone know where the masking tape is?


~ Gali Nuva Girl

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