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12 hours of testing, done, finally. It sucked due to what I had to write with (I have a bit of a pet-peeve when it comes to using wooden pencils... is all <<), and the Math section was horrid as it was all Geometry/Algebra 2 stuff, and well... I'm in Algebra I, which means I never learned the content. Kinda ticked me off a bit, mainly because the state-law (for some weird and, IMO, dumb reason) is to have this particular test appear on the transcript (It's those state-tests where they just test you in order to evaluate the school, more or less, and they never really "counted" before. I guess they never counted because not everyone learns what's in the booklets...)


So that's one third of my stress gone.


Now, I have two essays (the third is more or less a Short Story than an essay) and they're all due on the same day. Personally, I find the one essay (This whole "I believe..." thing) to be kinda silly. All I went on about was a book, just because it took the time and it filled the paper, but still covered the subject (Which was, my subject was... I think it was something to do with writer's and authors I admire. I dunno, it started one way and ended differently -- I need to re-read my draft again). The second essay, well, it was actually moved to be due right before Spring Break. This particular essay is the one that'll decide where I go next year, meaning, whether I just go into English II (Standard) or if I go into English II (Honors). Personally, I'd much prefer the latter as with that, on top of the other two literary classes I'm taking (Creative Writing/Journalism) it'll probably compare for what to expect if I can get the grades and the recommendations to get into AP English in my Junior year. So yeah, some stress there with "WhatdoIdoWhatdoIdo."


Also, I've been getting some frequent headaches throughout the week, which don't help with anything... same goes for stomach pains, though at least I haven't had any obscure and oddly placed muscle twitches .-.


The third thing is a whole story-thing I really need to think of how to finish up... it's like, halfway done... and that took like, a month of work. Basically, I need to make the second half sound as good as the first part, but I have under a week to do it in. If I don't finish it, at all, it just won't be graded so I'd be rather stupid to hand in the half I did and not the end.


Then there's some dramatic stuff on BZP which just comes with things. But that's not really the big part, the above stuff was more the big part in my stress levels.


All I got now is some actual tests, from my classes, to look forward to next week (Hint of sarcasm here), but for me, I tend to be rather good at Biology for some reason.


My mind is just a pile of mush right now.


Also: Sister playing the Simpson's Movie for the eighth time... it gets to you ._.





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"I believe..." essays are pretty crazy, and I never can think of what to write for those. Good luck with the other essay and stories, though. Cuz I believe (ha) that you can do it. :)



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Creative Writing


I wish I had that subject at my school.



It's new, and it's half a semester... it was actually by pure luck we even got that class, more 'cuz of the literary magazine people going nuts XP

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