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Watashi Wa


I love movies. Especially the action-y kind. So a few new trailers have been released for movies that should be entertaining for me in 2007.


The first one would be the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle trailer. Now, I was never really into the whole TMNT thing, but I absolutely loved the Lost in Time (or whatever the title was) game for the SNES. I always had to be the purple one with the staff. :P But yeah, the trailer gave us a nice peek at what seems to be a good movie: some nice action, with a little bit of humor, as expected from a group of 4 teenagers, right? I'm not quite following where they tried to go with the story, but I'll have to wait until it comes out to really get a hold of that. It comes out on March 23, 2007, which was sooner than I expected.


Next, we have the Transformers trailer. I was never into Transformers either, I don't think I ever even played with the toys or saw any of the movies. However, now that I've gotten older, the whole "robot/mech" thing has interested me more, so this movie should be entertaining as well. The CGI looks amazing, and the action looks to be just as cool. Can't wait until July 4th, 2007, to see this one.


The last one is one I'm sure nearly none of you have heard about. I wouldn't know about it either unless I had read the book. Thr3e (that's the actual title of the book/movie, no leet intended :P) should be the thriller of the year. I already know what happens, I'm just waiting to see how they play it out in the movie. The book has got to be one of my favorites of all time because of the many plot twists and surpirses. Definately the biggest surprise ending I've ever seen. Of course, it wasn't really a surprise, because they somewhat hint at it in the book before it actually happens...oh, I've said too much. You'll just have to wait until January 5th, 2007, to see this movie. If they mess this movie up, I'ma be supamad. You guys should read the book too. Amazing, simply put.


Of course, Spider-Man 3 comes out in May of next year. I'm sure I don't have to tell you guys how awesome that is going to be. :P


So work was crazy busy today. But go figure, three days before the Big Day. I don't even want to imagine what tomorrow will be like. So glad I only have to work from 11AM-5PM.


And then Relient K is coming out with a new album on March 6! I absolutely love that band. <3


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Just looked up the trailer for Thr3e. Looks pretty cool, kinda like Saw, but on a larger scale. I'll see if I can look for the book this weekend.


And I must agree, Transformers looks pretty good. When I first saw the teaser, I didn't get my hopes up for much, but this newer one looks awesome. So long as they stick to the original idea of it being about the Transformers mainly and not the humans like these newer cartoons, I'll be happy.

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Why? I'm sure it won't make a difference.


*first comment from a NINTENDO WII. :P

The hardcore fans will poke fun at you.



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*first comment from a NINTENDO WII. :P
How long did that take you, half an hour?
Don't give the BZP server that much credit: I'm sure it took half a day. :D


Technically, he's not purple, just the pieces of cloth he wears, and his name is Donatello. You don't have to be a Turtles fan to know Renaissance painters' names: Leonardo (da Vinci), Michaelangelo, Donatello, and Raphael; the rat was named Splinter, and the bad guy was Shredder. Also, I had no idea they were making a new movie.


You poor child, you missed the 80's by about three months. You totally have no idea what you missed. Of course, we're in the second 80's, which is quite gnarly.


©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM


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You poor child, you missed the 80's by about three months. You totally have no idea what you missed. Of course, we're in the second 80's, which is quite gnarly.

Feels more like the second '70s to me. Just look at all the ugly colors that are popular (puke green, orange, etc).

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