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Airsoft Asinine



Okay, I'm not gonna delve too deeply into this because that'd tread on the toes of Bzpower's politics policy (Say that ten times fast!) but I still felt like throwing it out there.


Long story made short, a surly legion of US Customs And Border Protection grunts have been devoting an unpleasantly large amount of time and tax dollars to -repeatedly- raiding this one Airsoft retailer out in Washington. These tactical geniuses seem to believe that since these toy guns shoot plastic pellets they classify as dangerous assault rifles because, well, they fire projectiles.


What's next, Nerf guns? Now, I'm not sure what brand or type of airsoft guns they are, but it's not hard to see when a general decent-quality Airsoft gun clocks in at around 200$, seizing 14 at once could very well sound the death tone for a retailer's business. The best part is these mindless grinning bulldogs refuse to give out an explanation for why they did this other than that they're 'assault rifles' . Brilliant. Either someone's taken too many concussions to the head or has an agenda here. I'm pretty sure it's the latter but I won't out rule the first either.


Either way, I'm glad I don't live in Washington.


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It's perfectly legal, haha. Heck, one of my best friends is already running his own business with them.


The guy in charge of all these raids has been revealed to have been demoted in the past, so it's likely this guy isn't going to be able to continue doing this for much longer before his superiors get enough complaints.



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Bingo. We always play with googles. We play with a strict amount of rules when it comes to protection. If you don't have googles deemed protective against the projectiles, you can't play. What happened is terrible, Wrack, so we do our best to make sure it doesn't happen.

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Especially if you're dueling with airsoft. Then, if you don't wear goggles, I have to say that you deserve to be shot in the forehead.
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