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Reign Of Shadows In A Nutshell



Hewkii gasped for breath.


Suddenly he found himself in a formless pocket of shadow, with the face of the one the Skakdi called Nektann mocking him from afar. But it wasn't the Nektann he knew... only the fell beast's eyes remained, their fiery glare piercing through the darkness like a sword through the ground. Transformed into a pair of floating eyes by energized protodermis, this monstrosity prepared to devour its first meal.


Then Hewkii saw his surroundings dematerialize, replaced by another reality. Marble pillars flanked him on all sides as he found himself in the court of Ahkmou, the so-called "Turaga" of Metru Nui.


"I have been waiting for you..." the Matoran whispered as he stroked his mutated feline pet who was once called Roodaka but had been transformed by the Mask of Life after a failed attempt to invade Voya Nui.


Out of nowhere three ironclad titans appeared in the room: Helryx, Brutaka, and Umbra. The three immediately began to duel, destroying the foundation of the throneroom and revealing a pool of energized protodermis.


No one in the room stood a chance. One by one they were drawn into the silvery fluid. Accompanied by flashes of lightning, out of the pool emerged a new creature unlike anything anyone had ever seen before....


"I..." the being started, "...must kill Mata Nui."


Surveying his surroundings, the monster let out a deep sigh.


"Also, the Eagles are going to suck this season," he grunted.


Recommended Comments

I understand why you wouldn't want to bother reading the whole thing, but if you do, you won't be disappointed. :P Or maybe you will, depending on how you look at it. :P
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