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Who Let The Squid Out?



Made an emergency trip into Target today in a futile attempt to complete my Christmas shopping. After giving up on finding that one last gift, I decided to take a side trip and check out whatever toys hadn't been completely ravaged by fellow shoppers.


To my surprise, sitting on the shelf beside the hordese of Inika and few remaining Piraka were two Barakki (the red one...Mantak?) I have to say I was tempted to grab him, but there was no price tag and I've been a bit short on cash recently with bills and other apartment expenses. Not to mention I really wasn't there to buy anything for myself. So I let the opportunity pass in hopes of finding them more readily next year.


But I have to say I was impressed with what I saw, having finally seen one in person. The box is bizarre (for lack of anything better to say). It's titled at an odd angle which will make stoarge a pain, but I will admit it's the most unique packaging I've seen in something like that for a while.


Unfortunately there wasn't a display for the Barakki yet, so I didn't get a chance to actually see one assembled. But I like what I've seen. The pics on the one's box made them appear to be more unique than previous "canister" sets (does that word even work anymore?). I can't decided if I want the Barakki, or if I should save my money for when we get a look at the '07 Toa.


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Cool how your Target had the new stuff. Mine had very little Lego on its shelf.


As for what to buy:

Get a Barraki or two for your collection, and perhaps parts if you're a MOCer.

Also get a Toa or two once they are out.

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Red one? That's Kalmah. Mantax is black. :P


I don't have any of the Barraki myself, but they do look pretty sweet. And the uniqueness of them is probably because not a single one of them is identical. :P Some, like Ehlek (green) and Takadox (blue) have similar builds, but they're still different and look totally different. That's what I love 'bout them.


As for money... That kinda stinks. I'm just a teen and live with my parents, so I don't pay bills and all that stuff, but from what my dad's said, they can really drain your money. But I have, on occasion, been ever-so-slightly short on cash while out shopping. It kinda ticks me off then, so I might know what it feels like a bit.


And oh. If I'm lucky, that $30 Target gift card I got will come in handy. :P (Wow... I gotta cut back on using those. :P Dang it...)

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