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Sailing Home For Christmas

Schizo Kaita


You wake up in the Ga-Metru hospital, and don't remember a thing.


And that concludes our little side-adventure. I'll be bringing the blog back bit by bit, but I'm going start off by just adding the content that has so sorely been lacking in this blog during the past weeks.


I'll guess I'll start off with the mandatory holiday greetings: Merry Christmas to one and all! I know you guys are being buried in presents, but presents are not what it's all about. Our family only exchanges presents on New Year's, to keep Christmas a celebration rather than a day for gift-giving. Christmas, after all, is all about scaring your little 3-year-old niece by putting on a Bert & Ernie DVD. Them little guys are apparently the stuff of nightmares. I still think they're hilarious, though.

Of course, you'll find some Christmas-related art in Artwork General. Go check it out, even if you've been naughty.


Next, something some of you already know, but which most haven't been told yet: the Captain is no longer single. S is someone I've known for about half a year, but we only got together a few weeks ago. For some reason, it feels as if we've always been together. It's a great feeling, but I'm still a bit fearful, as my previous relationships ended rather quickly and suddenly. I hope S will stick around, though. She's lovely, laid back and sets my heart and soul afire... Yeah, you could say I've caught a bad case of the lovestruck.


Incidentally, we went to see Eragon the day before yesterday. I haven't had the chance to read the books yet, so the movie wasn't spoiled because of inconsistencies. Saphire looked very realistic, and I really liked the way she was given form, more historically traditional than the characteristic scaled, monstrous predator you'll often see in other movies. The first part of the movie moves a bit too fast, glossing over character development and focusing too much on actions, which I suspect is due to it being a book-to-movie adaptation. All in all, it's still an enjoyable movie. It was only released this week here in Belgium, so I supposed there's no longer any use in telling you US kids to go and see it, but I'd say it's worth watching. Even if it rips off Lord of the Rings and Star Wars at the same time.

We also rented Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest last week and watched it at S's place. I'm afraid I have to admit I hadn't seen it yet due to my legendary lassitude. I'm holding off my final judgement of the movie after I've seen the third one as well, considering this is a two-part adventure, but to me, DMC progressed rather slowly. It was still just as funny as Curse of the Black Pearl, but the adventure itself seemed a bit too chaotic and strung-out to me.

We're going bowling in half an hour with some friends, so you'll have to excuse my while I cut this short.


I'd also like to thank all of you for voting Red Wasp in BBC contest #39. I was hoping for second place, but third does me jus' fine, too. The Barraki (who kick donkey) aren't released in the EU until March, so I'm glad to be getting even one. Thanks for the recognition and prize(d) set, BZPower!


And finally, I hope you're all looking forward to January's BBC contest. We're rounding the cape of 40, so I hope you'll all take advantage of the occasion to enter your best creation to date!


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You should've read the book first Schizo! >< The Eragon movie butchers the book and then disintegrates it, and after that it just kicks it. There was no resemblance besides the character names. :P If you're a big fan of the book,s don't waste a ciuple bucks to see it.


I voted for you in BBC #39! Too bad you didn't win. :(


Nice side story. :rolleyes:





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I voted for you in the semis. :rolleyes:


Heh, as for BBC 40... Well if it fits the theme, I know what MoC I'll be entering. It's tons different (as in improved) from any of my previous MoCs if ya ask me. People may be surprised (And I'm not gonna post it until a BBC comes around that it'll fit the theme). :sly:


And good luck with the girl, mate.

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You should've read the book first Schizo! >< The Eragon movie butchers the book and then disintegrates it, and after that it just kicks it. There was no resemblance besides the character names. :P If you're a big fan of the book,s don't waste a ciuple bucks to see it.

That's exactly what I was talking about: you read the book, then watched the movie, and were consequently disappointed. I, however, enjoyed the movie very much, and look forward to reading the book, which should be even better. I bought both Eragon and Eldest today (like heck I'm going to wait for the second movie to come out), too bad the covers are so different: Eragon, of course, features the movie poster for the cover. But it's the content that counts, so I'm looking forward to a good read.


Hey, I also won that bowling game. And it's only the fourth time I've went bowling, too.


We played four games in all, so it was well past midnight when we got home. Not too late, but dang, it's a rough start of the day when you have to get up for work and slept less than usual.


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Meh, the girl will knock ye silleh' and plunder ye, mark meh words...


Aye, that pretteh' much tells ye meh problem with ze' dames. -.-


Melekalikimaka, Schizzeh'! (Merreh' Christmas)


Must, see, Eragon...

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:lol: Another BZP member who ain't single anymore. I think the poor director struggled with the storyline of the movie, but I loved Sapphira and Brohm. And the dragon in the last shot was a promise of another great dragon to check out in the next movie. I'm sure you loved the graphics of the dragon and indeed we see that above. ^_^


There are so many BBC contests that it's driving me buggers, but at least it's something to look forward to in 2007. Have a good new year!



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I'll be extra careful in BBC 40. At least it won't be a color restriction contest--I'm sure you wouldn't repeat themes like that.


Congrats on your third place :)! And have fun with your Barraki. I can't wait till March...

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Meh, the girl will knock ye silleh' and plunder ye, mark meh words...

The only thing she'll be plunderin' be me heart, matey. And mayhap the galley pantry.

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You are not posting in green anymore... Ah, well. No matter. To the important parts: My sister and I are going to see Eragon, and I am going through the book Eldest at the speed of lightning(maybe a little slower, I must not ruin the pages :P ). I'm going through that "obsessed with a certain movie or book" phase. It happened with The Lord of the Rings, to. I actually spent half an hour thinking about what was gonna' happen to the elves... Anyway, 'tis the season. Good luck with S.


P.S. I actually did vote for you in the semifinals.

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Hey, all the best to you and S! Keep your cool, though; it's not worth rushing a serious relationship. In the words of Friar Laurence, "They stumble that run fast." So just keep your feet on terra firma if you possibly can. ;) I hope this is the one for you, 'cause from what I've heard, breakups are torture.



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