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Shadow Destroyer




Welcome to my Blog!


Since this is my first entry, I guess I will be posting a little information about myself. First of all, I am 15 years old, and I live in the United States. I like bionicle, star wars, metroid prime, halo, and video games. I joined Bzpower about a year ago. (After lurking around as a guest for a couple years... :rolleyes: ) I finally spent all of the money I got from Christmas, and I used the 7 bucks I had left to buy myself a premier membership. Here are a couple of facts about me...



1. I am a fanatic about Metroid Prime. I've played all of the games, and I've also built a ton of mocs from the games. I built my first mocs from Metrod Prime two years ago, and then I built more one year ago. (Gallery) Recently, I made my 3rd version of the Metroid Prime characters, and they are looking better than ever. If you ever have a suggestion of a character I could build from the series, just send me a pm and I would be happy to build it for you.


Here is my Metroid Prime Gallery: Gallery


2. I moc a ton, so here is my Brickshelf Gallery: Gallery I will probably post a lot of entries in my blog telling about the progress of my mocs.


That's about all I can think of right now. I plan to post about one entry a day here, and I plan on hosting some moc contests here. If you are interested, just send me a pm or post a comment! More entries will be coming soon, Welcome to my Blog!





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