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Eight Chocolate-covered Caramels For All!

Kopaka's Ice Engineering


Wait, those are Milk Duds, not milk maids...


This entry could be subtitled: a chocolate hat for Chocolate City.


This year's haul:

  • $3000 in Christmas bonuses.
  • A $90 (guessing) Christmas dinner I let spoil in the trunk of my car (the pecan pie and two bottles of wine were salvaged)
  • A Crock-Pot slow cooker
  • A 4-quart Teflon™-coated pot.
  • as many navel oranges as I cared to eat for a fortnight at work (Don't ask how many were eventually thrown out.)
  • $25 gift card to Academy (the sports store, not Dr. B's RPG), for the express purpose of getting new athletic shoes. ($25 is sooooo not going to cover it.)
  • A summer sausage, some Ritz crackers and hot mustard, and a little decorative crate of liquor-filled chocolates, which was later exchanged for a complete auto detailing kit.

    This was from the $20 gift bit at the company party. Dangit, Lewis. I wanted those knives!

  • 4 Christmas cards, one of which came on the heels of a $20 donation to Greg Dean, the man who designed what to this day remains the best small-scale customized home I've ever seen in Ultima Online
  • A set of kitchen knives to replace the box Lewis stole from me (after I stole them from Kurt) at the company party....actually, I bought that straight up.
  • Some blue and gold M&M's from the M&M World in Times Square
  • An adjustable Hershey's Chocolate bar color cap, with the Hershey's Times Square logo.


    (My parents went to NYC Tuesday after TubaChristmas.)

  • A $30 gift card to BW3 (from Michael & Brandy)
  • A blue & gold reversible winter-ish vest
  • A badly-needed new pair of black slacks
  • A weather radio, with a TV and lights.
Things I wanted, but didn't get
  • A Wii
  • A new computer
  • A full set of cutlery, including a cleaver and perhaps a meat tenderizer and garlic press
Things I wanted, and thought I might have an outside chance of actually getting
  • Complete Outlaw Star on DVD
  • An iPod
  • a DVD player
Since I neglected to do this earlier, I want to wish each and every one of you a Merry Christmas.

Except LehvakLah: Happy Hannukah.

...and Tufi Piyufi: *insert generic good wishing* Festivus.


And, since it's actually timely now:

Happy New Year




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My dad got the same thing for Academy, boy was he happy :P . Very nice $3K on the bonus. Buffalo Wild Wings is the best place for Wings, ever :P! Ya know, I wanted an iPod too. I do have an mp3 player, it's an old one. It doesn't hold many songs, plus it's kinda bulky :wacko: . I never wanted the Wii, I was going to wait on that, maybe 'till the summer. Some gift list there, I only had like 9 things on mine :P .


And you left food to spoil?! All well, at least you saved the pecan pie :D .

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