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Barakki Recommendations?



I picked up three Piraka (mostly because I wanted the Irnakk set). I wasn't too pleased. The Barakki though appear to be the second coming of the Rahkshi (w/ more uniqueness)...and I'm kinda interested. I went to a different Target today and they had the blue and red ones (I'll learn their names someday). A trip to a nearby TRU presented me with the black, white, and "brown" ones (Mantax, Pridak, Kalmah?)


I'm started to get very interested in picking up a few of these (if not eventually all of them). Anybody have suggestions as to where to start? I read the Pridak review and liked what I saw, but then spotted the brown guy in the background and was interested moreso with him.


I've got to pick up a few spare Inika in the meantime, but I can put that off until they start to go down in price (with the Barakki out that may come sooner than I thought). But before I put any more pieces of this blog between parenthesis (or start using commas) I'll open the floor to suggestions and step away from the keyboard.


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I'm pretty sure that Kalmah is the red one, the rest you said are right. I'd pick up the "brown" Barakii if I really wanted it, but that's your choice. And yes, wait for the Inika since in a couple of weeks or so after new ones come out, I've always observered the prices do go down. And I like Inrakk, he owns. :P
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Kalmah – red, Takadox – blue, Ehlek – green, Carapar – "brown," Mantax – black, Pridak – white. There you go.


I actually don't have any, but to me Ehlek and Mantax or Kalmah, and possibly Takadox, are the most appealing. Kalmah used be highest, but he fell since I saw pictures of him in hand. Mantax is interesting in parts usage (he has Carapar's chestplate for shoulder armor!), Ehlek in color, and Kalmah has shoulder pads...

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Kalmah has shoulder pads...
Does he ever! He has six shoulder pad pieces: two on his upper arms and two on his legs. Yes, two and two is four, but I didn't think it necessary to say that shoulder pads were used on the shoulders: that's obvious. ^_^


Although I can't vouch for any other than Kalmah and Pridak, I will recommend Kalmah.


©1984-2006 Toaraga EAM

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NOT Takadox. A couple GitD pieces aren't worth how weird he looks. Carapar's what I'd say, since he looks great, along with having new pieces AND pieces in new colors. The ony reason to get others is if you need specific colors and/or types of pieces not found in Carapar. Go with Carapar if you want a nicely structured set with good pieces.

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I'm getting Takadox (blue) and Carapar (... stone?) in the mail, though my first pick would have been Kalmah (red). I'll get you some advice as soon as I have the sets.
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Well, look at their pieces, and decide if you need any for MOCing purposes. Decide which is more important: MOCing, or looks.


My first choice is /white/ because of the white double joints, and everything else white. (if only he had white rahkshi legs...)

Once I get him, I want /green/ and /black/ for pieces, but /black/ seems to have newer pieces (including a black bit from the rahkshi's back), but I've always liked green and /green/ has some good pieces (plus those claws)

I was also thinking of /"brown"/ because of his pieces, and now that I see him that it is more brown than an keetorange, I am very interested in picking him up because I really like the brown sets.


As for the others, I don't quite need them. But here are some pros and cons:

/blue/ has the trans ice blue from Toa Matoro. As well as piraka pieces from Vezok. Decide if you need those. Aside from that, the color scheme, IMO, looks horible (that light a blue on the dark blue), and you can use Lewa Nuva's Katanas instead of his/her (?) swords.

/red/ has some good parts to him, but if you have Sidorak you already have four red rahkshi legs. /Red/ seems to have the least amound of new pieces, the only really good things being his armor. If only the feet were just plain red hordika feet...


well, that's my rant, and suggestions. Look at the pieces, unless you aren't a MOCer.


good luck

-CF :usa:

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