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Blogtivity #2: The Name Game



Dictionary (using Nuklear Standard Edition) definition of a Blogtivity and related terms:


n. 1. A game that takes place in the BZP Experimental Laboratory because Nukora couldn't think of anything to rant, blog, or talk about. Those options being elimanating he had to check off another "minigame" from the list he has underneath the monitor.


v. Blogtiviting To participate in a "Blogtivity" in Nukora's blog.


That out of the way, it's time for you to make a new (meaning one that isn't common such as achronyms, and one you haven't used and/or seen others use) nickname for the person that comments above you. I'll start by using the person who most recently PMed me, Bionicle Dragon:


Technic Monster, Dragon-Head, McBioDragon.


(Note: I didn't want to go through approving this in COT for the purpose that it most likely wouldn't be approved as it can get more spammy than the "describe the sig of ther poster above you" game there. I also didn't want COT to be confronted with the spam even if a Forum Leader has approved it. I wanted to keep it here where I can easily moderate it [along with the blog staff if needed] and where spam is allowed anyway.)


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