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Block Dvd Numb Afore



Basically you think of a phrase (preferably well-known), play with the sounds and write it with different words. For example: Blogtivity Number Four can become "Block DVD Numb Afore". I'll be the first to make one, and then the person who guesses the actual phrase correctly first thinks of a new one for others to do. Example:


Person 1: Win it trains sit pores.

Person 2: When it rains it pours. New one: Thumb Mat Oh Ran.


And that's where I'll let you come in.


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Pridak owns you all? Maybe?

Yes. Vak IMed it to me when he posted it.


The War Sting Sin Sly'd Bred.

Ooh, you're tough. The best I've got right now is "The worst in slide bread." OOOOOH! I know, I'll post it!

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The Toa of Water Approaches!


Yes ear, bound buh un-harms!


-Rabin :kaukau:

You are correct as well! Is yours "Yes sir, bound but unharmed."? "Yes sir, bound but in arms?" "Yes sir, bound but un-armed?" (I'm leaning towards the third).


And if any of those, mine would be: Soap He Hit. (Hint: It's another MOL quote).

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