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Assigning Star Ratings To People



I notice the board has star ratings for users. I don't think this is a good idea.


What can one possibly gain out of being given a bad rating, with no reason. If you do leave a rating on a person's page, what are the chances, really, that you'll leave a comment explaining why you gave them that rating? With other things, such as artwork, or blogs, or videos, the chances are much higher. I would not 'one-star' a person, because that is just plain mean. Imagine how degrading it must feel to be a one-star person.

Conversely, what can someone gain by being given a good rating? A KUTGW, however nice it may be to get one, is not really applicable to people. Nobody is perfect, so a 5-star rating should not happen. But everyone would like to be thought of as perfect, so even 4 stars would feel slightly degrading. I certainly wondered why my rating is 4. But I was given no explanation, not even an identity. This is a totally anonymous rating system based entirely on personal preference, and that would be fine, but this is REAL PEOPLE, and not just that, children. The rating system opens a massive door to totally useless and detrimental criticism.


Now, I suppose, the rating could be simply based on the profile page, but the profile page is not at all customisable, bar the personal statement, and details. So it's almost certainly the person you're supposed to rate.


That's my useless rant over with.


If my duplicates on eBay sell for enough, I should be able to buy my new phone in a week or two! =D I've pretty much decided on the Legend now. Unless I'm forced to buy in Australia, because the Legend isn't avaliable here (yet).




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I dunno but I think I'd be slightly insulted by having 5 stars. that would imply that I'm like, awesome and perfect, something I know I'm not.


*huggles 4-star rating*

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I gave you a one *shot* nah I gave you a 5.

It's been like this for like 3(?) years? I'm fine with it, I don't really care what people care about me and I barely come here anymore.

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@Anakin: lol, just like that other site.

@Lewa: Good for you. Why did you comment?

@DX: My point still stands, then. It's just another way to insult.

@Kratana: lol k. I just don't think it's right.

@Shikieki Yamaxandu: If it was sarcasm, lol, if it wasn't, why not?

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