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A Request



Right, here's the plan. As a few of you know, I'm writing a BZP epic. And an epic about BZP needs the BZPers in it. Now, don't worry, I'll let a lot of you star in it, but first, I'd really appreciate it if you could all help me piece together a list of the Staff's traditional characters, and the traditional settings for the forums. For example, a lot of you are familiar with Empress Tufi of the BBC Empire, and Captain Schizo of the Comedy Islets. So if you could help me make a list of the others, I'd reward you with a big smile. :D


So far, we've got...

  • Empress Tufi Piyufi
  • Captain Schizo
  • Admiral Ninjo
  • Prince Kex
  • Prince Shannara
  • Sage DV
and for the locations we've got...
  • The BBC Empire
  • Comedy Islets
  • New Member Helpdesk
  • The Great Libraries


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You can't have the BBC Empire without the ol' wise sage DV. He lives on a mountain somewhere inside of it. But luckily, when you find the mountain, there's an elevator at the bottom to help you up so you can visit with him.


He has tea.



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New Member Question and Answer: The Help Desk.

Marketplace: The marketplace or market?

Storyline and Theories: Scholar's Haven.

Voting Booth: The Polls.

Library: Epics or Short Stories: The Bards' Camp.

--Sir Garatis

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The Library is a large, magestic building with hundreds of rows of bookshelves, divided into Epics and Short Stories... Separate from the Comedies Islets. No idea how much of a role it plays in the epic, but staff are HH (a blue-and-white husky), munkey and SPIRIT (don't know what either of them looks like), and myself, the brown Toa Metru with an orange Kaukau and the power of heat. ^_^


As for a title, it's generally just called the Library...



Thanks. I think The Great Libraries sounds a bit more epic though.



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I've started refering to Janus as "Cheif of Thought Police" (based off of the former name of Makaru's blog). I haven't gotten a nickname for the blogs here, but I'll let you know when I do.
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Dont forget Hapori-Nui!That Is where Hapori-Dume commands his armies of Spam,board messages,leet,flamers and more terrors of Bzpower.and his squads of Vahki.

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Oh meh goodyness!The great Darth Vader has posted in Seran`s blog!All hail theh mighty Darth Vader!!!!!!!!!!


here`s to help you Seran.


1.The Announcement Stadium(Where contests and news are declared)

2.Adventure Island(also known as Isle of RPGs)

3.Promotion newsboards

4.Set Archives

5.Page of The Dark(the places people dont like to visit)

6.Banishment chamber(Where people get banned)

7.Voting booth

8.The Comic stand

9.Lord Dimensioneer

10.Lord Bionicle Rex

11.Gunman NRA(Nra supporter)

12.Fighter Koname

13.The Great Market

14.Master Binkmeister

15.Captain Timoteo

16.Black Six the Great

17.Lord Bonesii


That`s all for now,Seran

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You want a sage?

You want someone who has been on staff for five years, but under the radar for about four of them, whittling away in his own right.


*innocent whistling*




Well, if you know any, please let me know. ;)



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What about the games and trivia forum?It could be called the fun and questions room,next to the artwork forum.I said it because it's where I post mainly.

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