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Greg Team... :(

Nuhrii the Metruan


Though not entirely unexpected, I have to announce that I leave the Greg Team with immediate effect. My reasons are rather simple and come down to a short list:

- BIONICLE Story Squad (which is more important to me, as I am sure you will understand)

- The Chronicler magazine

- final exams and after that, some months of social work before I go to university

- parts of real life that demand more attention


The Greg Team sadly no longer finds a place in my schedule, which is why I just informed Erebus of my decision to leave the team (the probability which I already mentioned in an earlier chat with him). But that also means that there is a vacant spot on the team that needs to be filled.


If you think you are up to the task, feel free to apply for the job, but note that it is not my decision to make. If you know somebody who is reliable, has enough time and may be willing to help the fandom, feel free to suggest them. :)


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