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Looking Back And Forward (at The Same Time?)



Another year of Bionicle and BZPower is over. 2006 was a rather interesting year for me, both on BZPower and off. Unfortunately, it may well be my last full year.


First of all, the Bionicle toy line was amazing this year. Other people may not agree, but I think it is the best story line since the Toa Mata. The Piraka and Toa Inika sets were all great, still relatively similar but with enough differences to make them not clones. The Voya-Nui Matoran were also amazing builds. I bought all the canister sets this year, an improvement (for Lego sales people, I guess) over last year, where I only picked up a few canister sets at my leisure. The storyline was great, and I think it was because I finally went out and bought all the books. If books sales went down, that’s too bad, but the story I got to read was very exciting. There was the Nuva again in Bionicle Legends 1, Jaller and his Matoran friends in BL2, who then turned into Toa for Bionicle Legends 3 and Bionicle Legends 5. The Piraka turned into the most interesting set of villains in Bionicle, for their unique personalities (all treacherous and mean, but different) and vast array of powers. Then you have the Titans and Matoran, and the story was full of material. I’ve come up with a couple different fan fiction ideas from 2006, which is more than I can say for 2005. All in all, I think 2006 was a success. Voya-Nui for the gold!


My third year on BZPower went well too. I entered a total of 6 BBC Contest, and made into the Semi-Finals once (but it was from lack of competition, seriously). More importantly, I entered Epic Contest #5, Short Story Contest #4, and Storyline and Theory Contest #2, and placed well in all of them. I got honorably mentioned in the first two, and made it to the Semis in the third (which was, again, through lack of competition.)


In Epics, I began the year by finishing strong with Kulagi’s Kanoka. In the summer, I revived Slivers on Mata-Nui to enter Epics Contest #5. I advanced the story a good number of chapter (I think 10) but then I ran out of inspiration and dropped the epic again. Worst, my sequel to Kulagi’s Kanoka, Kanoka Makers of Metru-Nui, was a flop that I haven’t continued yet, and the sequel to Time Disruption has died before it’s even been posted (loss of inspiration). My other Short Stories and Comedies I’ve posted this year haven’t been big either.


I’ve come to recognize that I am no longer with the in-group of epic writers (probably never was, actually). Gone are the days of reading the works of Crisis, Daikaiju King, Golden Krana, or Gali Nuva’s Shadow, and I only seem to get reviews through Kumata Nuva (who is still working on his epic, so that’s one not lost). The only person I recognize in the Epic forums is GaliGee, and even she is working on her last epic. Most of the great storywriters I knew a couple of years ago have moved on and I may just be loitering around after them. I have school work and real life to begin worrying about, and I have considerably less time to write and even less inspiration for the majority of my works. Most people spend their time on BZP for a few years and then split, leaving an opening for incoming members. I have refused to give up BZPower, but if I can’t even post any work, why even stay so active?


Anyway, I’ve had some changes in my real life as well this past year. I was the Senior Patrol Leader for my Scout Troop, I finished my Eagle Project, I entered my High School senior year, and I turned 18. And in a year, I hope to be attending a university with intensive studies. If I really want to start my life up, I’ll probably have to leave BZPower eventually, or become considerably less active.


So, this is not an announcement of my departure, because I’ll probably continue to check up on BZP every day for the next couple of months. But it is announcement to not expect any work from me. My two-three epics that are out there that are unfinished will probably stay unfinished. I might post a short story or comedy every now and then, but then hardly anybody ever reviews them so why bother?


What do I have to look forward to in 2007? Well, obviously, I’m going to pay close attention to the Bionicle storyline. Mahri-Nui sounds interesting, the sets look cool, and those next chapter books are going to be mine. :evilgrin: I’ll stick to BZP to reply in random topics in GD. Mostly, though, I’ll probably update this blog with random thoughts that enter my head. If nobody wants to listen to my ramblings, then that’s their problem. Just make sure not to view the topic, because I might get excited if that number counter goes up. :P


Anyway, have a happy new year, and here’s to 2006. :happydance:




Recommended Comments

First of all, I hope you had a great christmas and new year, xccj. :)


Well, I can't say that this is unexpected - you've been sort of building up to this for a good half of a year, what with all your entries about being busy in real life and losing interest in writing.

I know how you feel about great writers moving on. It's sad to watch them go. Crisis and Daikaiju king were favourites of mine, and I was also disappointed when HauNuva and KopakaX stopped their epics.

It's a shame that you won't be posting any more epics - I really was looking forward to Time Disruption II - but that's how it is. Life goes on, people move on, things change. You can't expect things to stay set in stone forever.


And I must point out that the only reason I'm continuing with my writing is because you and Makaru review. If I didn't have readers, I'd stop writing, too.


Anyway, good luck with your real life, and I hope to read many more irreverent blog entries from you in the future. :P





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