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Weekly Mocing Challenge 17:




Challenge 17:

Call to Arms

I blame homework and sickness for the fact that this is a day late. Better late than never? :lookaround:


The challenge this week is to build a weapon. A simple premise, but I've found it's pretty fun. This does not include guns, it should be a bladed or blunt weapon. It must be in set/MOC scale. You can't just build a hilt for a weapon piece or something, it has to be its own MOC, although you can use pre-made weapon pieces.


I may post some examples that I've made if I have the time, but as usual, ask any questions you have, and submissions that do not show enough effort will not be accepted.


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>> This does not include guns, it should be a bladed or blunt weapon.


i find these things end up with lots of spiky silver bits slapped together


i mean even if they're very masterfully arranged, it still looks like a mess of silver bits


hoping to see some cool stuff maybe staffs or clubs or hammers

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can it be big like peeple size?



Pwotosteel, you are win.



I try, Bricks. I try. D.png


I'd be cheap and enter my weapon from S&T #4 (?) that no one remembers, but that'd be cheating. And It isn't Moc sized...

How honest. ^_^


this is my zamor gun



Sorry, guns are not allowed and it must be a MOC-scale MOC. Quite a nice gun, though.


>> This does not include guns, it should be a bladed or blunt weapon.


i find these things end up with lots of spiky silver bits slapped together


i mean even if they're very masterfully arranged, it still looks like a mess of silver bits


hoping to see some cool stuff maybe staffs or clubs or hammers



your punctuation


where is it


But yes, I was aware of this possibility. I just won't accept things that don't show enough effort.



And @Bromeliad: That would be fine, but it was made a long time ago and I think I should only accept things made for the challenge or very recently. :(

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