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Nuu My Italian Teacher




My Italian teacher got into an accident and broke his leg, now he's not coming in for at most two weeks. Apparently, now my class is going to have a substitute (who is very awesome) who will mostly give us assignments from the textbook that my Italian teacher told him to assign. While it's cool, I miss my Italian teacher. :(

Got my report card, and I have three 99's. Kinda scary.

And starting today until around May 12, I can sign up for next year's classes. Math class with probably be Algebra II/Trig. English is no big deal for signing up. In the sciences, I should be automatically programmed into Chemistry. Global history continues on for another year. Foreign language, I can choose to continue taking Italian, or not take a language at all. I'm continuing Italian, though. =D
As for the arts, I'll be automatically put into the next studio class (sophomore year it's Basic Graphic Design and then Oil/Acrylic). But then there's another thing! I can take Ceramics in the fall and Printmaking in the spring, or Printmaking in the fall and Ceramics in the spring. I've decided to go for Ceramics in the spring, because the spring semester is longer and Ceramics is more fun. Also you can get injured in Printmaking, so that's not cool.

Oh and today there was this epic picture of a T-Rex head replacing the head of some businessman in the newspaper, with his hands in a kind of T-Rex-ish pose. I cut it out and kept it. B)
The other week I had found a picture of a very excited Joe Biden, too.


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When you have a microphone...


Be sure it's off before you say something incriminating (This seems to be a trend as of late XP).


Good to hear on the grades, in my school, 99's are grades absolutely no one holds. The highest I know of, so far, is a 97 (Besides in some English classes, as some tests were counted above the norm... but that's not really my English class XP)

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