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Stuff (aka I Can't Think Of A Title Once Again)




Today after school was fun. I went with some friends to the Apple Store near my school, but it was closed until 5:00 PM for a little tidying up. The reason was because there was a long line outside the store of people waiting to buy the iPad. But the staff outside said that if you're not buying an iPad, you'll be let into the store at 5 anyways.

So we chill until 5, which wasn't for less than an hour. We got there just as it opened. Funny thing is, for like the first twenty people on that line that stepped in, the employees clapped. When we walked in there, with all that clapping, it felt like we were royalty. ._.
I checked out the iPad, it's actually really neat. I wouldn't mind owning one. In fact, I logged onto BZP with it, and BZP looked beautiful as ever. <3

Then my friends went crazy with Photo Booth on one of the computers, and I was forced into it. woohoo~

And I've been doing so many things in the last hour or two that I can't think straight. I've had the "Add Entry" tab open for at least an hour to write this entry. Aaaaah.


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That sounds like fun, I need to get to an Apple Store as to get some assistance with an iPhone problem I'm having...
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I'm a huge Apple fan, but really, iPads are useless. =P


Anyhow, the reason you didn't finish this was because I was distracting you. hehehe

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