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The Party Has Arrived



Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you; the one - the only -




*thunderous applause ensueth*


You probably either know me very well or don't recognize me. Chances are, since you're reading my blog, you know me well - and that would be from BS01. I am BS01 Staff member Kraahlix, so this blog will assuredly be plagued by the rants and whining documented experiences of... that.


Enough said.


On the BZP front, I'm one of those older members that was super active, then took a backseat. Lately though, I've been feeling drawn back into the community here, so I decided to become a premier member and get back into the swing of things. For starters, I plan on entering the S&T contest. I'm also a judge, and I need to go judge more entries.


Sidenote; Say, there's a blog contest going on now, isn't there? Should I enter? Do I even stand one cotton-picking chance?


/Sidenote; Another thing I'm going to be doing in the BZP community - guest starring on the iBZP podcast. Haven't really listened to the show, but I plan on making it awesome if it's not already. Be sure to check it out, I'll blog about it when it gets up. Recording on Sunday.


And of course, speaking of podcasts, I'm the host of the BS01 Podcast. And I am every bit biased when I say that it's an outstanding show =) Click here for the info. But seriously, we've received nothing but praise for it, so if you're interested in a podcast where storyline fanatics (namely the BS01 staff) discussing all things BIONICLE, I think you will really enjoy it. There's also the topic you can check out here.


This blog will serve as a sort of HQ for the podcast.


What else will be on this blog? I've touched on a few things, but I also plan to write about... stuff. I dunno. What do you like to read about?

Expect a bunch of random I guess. Not overboard random, just good random. A variety. Spice in your life. Mix it up a little already. Geez.


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Here we go again. *cough* comment deleter *cough* :rolleyes:


I love you.


Oh, and that podcast is pretty good too.

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Well well, what have we here? A nub with a false sense of fame. That applause? That was a recorded applause from Oprah.


Welcome to the blog side of the dark. ... That didn't quite come out right...



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OK. Hi, would give approval, but lost it. Have my quote for one instead :D

Thank you =) I don't think that I want to do handle blog approvals, though.









Could you move the content blocks all to one side?


Then we have more room to party. 8D

I like 'em D: We shall see.


Here we go again. *cough* comment deleter *cough* :rolleyes:


I love you.


Oh, and that podcast is pretty good too.

<3 you too


The BS01 Podcast, or iBZP?

Well well, what have we here? A nub with a false sense of fame. That applause? That was a recorded applause from Oprah.


Welcome to the blog side of the dark. ... That didn't quite come out right...



That's right. WATCH OUT OPRAH!

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