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Critic Rambling



Carefully treading around datapads strewn haphazardly across the metallic floor, the girl was trying her best to hurry over to the headquarter terminal of the room - which was at the opposite side of the room where she was and sitting prettily upon the long countertop which the curator kindly asked for upon the room's construction - which was quite a far way off.


Nearly crushing one datapad by accident, the girl peered around a stack of datapads that she was carrying.


Grief upon her, why didn't anyone decide to put those datapads back onto the shelf? If the curator came back, the steel floor would melt to slag and the critics would be fried, sliced and diced in several methods and styles.


And of course, the girl did not want any of the Epic Critics, her included, to disappear from BZPower as sushi bits.


A datapad from her stack threatened to slip, causing her to pause and shove it back into position with one hand, before slipping her hand under the stack and taking another step forward.


That was the last step that brought her to the keypads of the terminal.


Relieving her load upon the long countertop, she finally logged into the terminal and checked upon the records of her fellow colleagues.


Her hazel eyes glowed at the report on the screen.


'A few epics reviewed! A miracle!'


Then the eyes dimmed at the sight of more epics.


'And a lot more to go. Ah well.'


Locating the datapad feeder below the terminal, the girl fed a datapad into the slot and settled down to resume work as an Epic Critic.


And what a job it was.




This is therapeutic. No, really. Especially when you wander in a forum thread which has more writers than readers, or all the people who exist in the topic are writers.


And here, everyone reads, comments and writes. The ultimate combo, if you ask me.


But, IMHO, with the short attention span that the modern world has given to us as 'gifts', it's hard to catch up with epics, waiting forever for epics to be updated and deciding halfway down an epic that it's boring and too predictable to like and taking flight to look for another. HT help the poor epic that meets that fate.


However, we being the weird and wonderful people we are, we keep writing more epics. The only reviewers in the Epics forum, I'm afraid, are the ECC critics.


And we don't come on that often anymore.

If given my way, I'd drop my assignments and test preparations and come a-reviewin' with aplomb and releasing a tidal wave of reviews for the epics-in-waiting.


If only Reality were that kind.


*sigh* AH WELL, enough of my rambling. The ECC is in dire need of helpers who would love to read more than one epic, and give a great review to compliment the writer and help the writer improve.

I would be lying if I said that that it's all laidback work that you can run in, on and off.


As we all are writers, new epics keep comin' in. They keep critics alive. Keep them coming.



And fellow critics who happen to read this, do note this: I'm not plaguing any one of you guys to feel bad in anyway. If offence is felt, then I'm sorry you took it the wrong way. I'm just wondering why the ECC is facing such back-lagging and being less able than before to review.


And, as I said above, this is therapeutic.


On another note, school's starting on Monday. Two tests coming up, two assignments due on the same day, two more books to read.

Two more days to school.







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I agree with you one-hundred percent. We need more help in the ECC. I may not review very often, but I do it enough that everyone is not backlogged.


I hope that those of you who read this, those who love to read, we need your help in the Epics Critics Club.



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Too true. You can complain that nobody ever reads your work and that you'll stop writing to no audience, but unless you go out and read other people's work, you're a hipocrite (sp?). Some of my best reviewers were fellow authors whose work I read as well. I used to read alot of stories, and last year I was regularly reviewing a half dozen epics or so. But now, all the authors I used to know have either stopped writting or dissapeared entirely, for one reason or another. And as much as I want numerous reviews for every story I post, I no longer go around reviewing other works unless I'm directly requested to.


I am totally in awe of all you Epic Critic Reviewers... it takes alot of time to actually go and read somebody's story, and when you have so many of them, it must be nearly impossible. Two years ago, I probably would've joined and contributed a bit, but today I'm too busy to even write my own epics. So power to you, and I hope that more people start reviewing as well as writing. :)



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Too true. You can complain that nobody ever reads your work and that you'll stop writing to no audience, but unless you go out and read other people's work, you're a hipocrite (sp?). Some of my best reviewers were fellow authors whose work I read as well. I used to read alot of stories, and last year I was regularly reviewing a half dozen epics or so. But now, all the authors I used to know have either stopped writting or dissapeared entirely, for one reason or another. And as much as I want numerous reviews for every story I post, I no longer go around reviewing other works unless I'm directly requested to.


I am totally in awe of all you Epic Critic Reviewers... it takes alot of time to actually go and read somebody's story, and when you have so many of them, it must be nearly impossible. Two years ago, I probably would've joined and contributed a bit, but today I'm too busy to even write my own epics. So power to you, and I hope that more people start reviewing as well as writing. :)






And, I echo your words, too true! :lol: Where are the writers of old? (I do think I'm referring to guys and gals like you and me. :P ) We all don't or hardly write at all. In fact, I'm considering dropping my current epic for a new story idea. It's that terrible.


And it's getting tougher to review epics that are out of the reviewin' job. (That could be a reason for the dismal review rate.)


You hit the nail on the sore spot - lot of time to give. :lol: Thanks 'cj!



azblue (whoo, fellow critic!), you and I are on the same note. We would need help, or else we'll have to pull our already overstretched socks up a little more. And you know what that means. It's possible, though.






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