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Voting For C. I. R. C. L. E. Articles 180a & 229-234



Confederated Inter-Related Collaborative League of Epics


Once again I'd like to welcome everyone, now straight to more business.


The revised one-hundred-eightieth article proposed by Iro is as follows:

Iro hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exist two Great Beings, who had left Spherus Magna prior to "The Shattering", and were shunned by their brethren, who believed that the two simply abandoned the rest of them out of cowardice.


A little more than a decade after the reformation of Spherus Magna, these two Great Beings decided that they would make another universe of their own, like the one the other Great Beings had made on Spherus Magna, but they believed that theirs would be infinitely better. The result was a planet that they named "Murtua" (murr-TOO-uh). It rivaled Spherus Magna in size and was located approximately twenty-eight-thousand mio from the star within the Solis Magna System.


The two Great Beings created many of existing species that had been planned for the Matoran Universe including Matoran, Toa, Vortixx, Skakdi, etc.; as well as some from Spherus Magna including Agori, Glatorian, Skrall, and Vorox. Yzaa, one of the two Great Beings, had evil intent however, and created other species such as Makuta, Rahkshi, the six prime species that became Barraki in the Matoran Universe, and more; intending those beings to rule this new planet of Murtua.


After the creation of Toa, Yzaa created a Toa of Shadow named Ulreq as a personal joke and unleashed him on the gigantic western continent, "Uteara" (OO-tay-ahr-uh). The Toa of Shadow was rejected by his fellow Toa and began causing a series of conflicts with the others. He wound up commanding an army of Rahkshi, which planned to attack the Central City of Uteara. Just before the invasion started, Yzaa transformed Ulreq into a creature of pure Shadow, however he was severely weakened by his creation, who then plunged a spear into one of Yzaa's lungs before raiding the city.


After hearing of the attack on the Central City, four Toa - Tyverus, Toa of Fire; Ujama, Toa of Jungle; Netruhl, Toa of Earth; and Inquer, Toa of Light - decided to gather their own army of Toa and a year-long war erupted across Uteara. Deccius, the other Great Being, responded by creating the species known as "Atreu" (see Article 181 for details), which were intended to be the guardian species of the planet of Murtua.


The Atreu species then got involved with the war, sending their warrior class to aid the Toa. One specific Atreu named Ava-xar, then called Ava-var, went after the Toa of Shadow and defeated him in combat, forcing him to retreat to a place where his wounds could heal. The combined might of the Toa and Atreu proceeded to destroy the army of Rahkshi, all but winning the war. In response however, Yzaa descended upon the planet and destroyed the Atreu species to ensure that should another force of evil arise, they would not be able to aid their Toa allies. He wiped out nearly the entire Atreu species leaving just one named Zha-xar alive.


In the Eastern Hemisphere, there was no such conflict, and the Matoran and Agori there constructed vast technologically advanced cities. One was hovering in the sky and one was deep below the waves of the Great Sea. Unlike Mahri Nui on the planet of Aqua Magna, this was an actual city, not just a settlement. To the east of both cities was a small country that was used as a mining site for both cities. Outside of a few disputes over resources, the Eastern Hemisphere had never seen great conflict. Still, there were three mighty dragons that acted as guardians for each of the areas; Argonus, Guardian of the Sky, Trithia, Guardian of the Depths, and Grevin, Guardian of the Underground. These three ensured that there would be no invasion from any outsiders of the Eastern Hemisphere. Later on however, the Makuta Vraal and his vezon came to the City in the Sky and their battle ended up sinking a portion of the city into the sea below, destroying a small section of the City in the Depths as well.


A few main differences between the Planet of Murtua and the Matoran Universe are the Elemental Power of "Disintegration" is referred to solely by its' alternate name of "Acid". Furthermore, the Vorox and Zesk exist simply as creatures and have always been bestial, never having regressed from the Agori and Glatorian species. There does exist however, a tribe of "Sand Agori", meanwhile all members of the Glatorian species do not have latent Elemental Powers.


What became of both Deccius and Yzaa is unknown, though it is believed that both remain alive on yet another, unknown planet.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The two-hundred-twenty-ninth article proposed by Iro is as follows:

Iro hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exists a planet known as "Elucca" (eh-LOOH-cuh) within the Solis Magna System.


Elucca is a little over forty-thousand mio from the star and can be seen from Spherus Magna during a clear night, appearing to be yellowish-white in color. There is an abundance of life on Elucca, but the most notable are the two sub-species of "Eluccan" (eh-LOOH-cuhn), which vary greatly in appearance.


The ruling-class, known as the "Saanto" (SAHN-toh), are a beast-like group of felines that also serve as the hunters and gatherers for their people. Despite their appearance, these ruling-class Eluccan are typically wise and noble kings and queens. This class has the power of telepathy to speak to those who do not speak the native tongue.


The plebeian-class, known as the "Ottelu" (OH-tehl-oo), are tall bipeds that slightly resemble Toa. Most do not have any powers, but those that do often serve as warriors and guardsmen in a middle-tier warrior-class. Despite a separation of classes, the Eluccan people live in perfect harmony, and no major disputes among communities have occurred.


Recently, the Eluccan ruler named "Autahr" (ah-ooh-TAHR) and his personal servant, "Darrus" (DAH-ruhs), left the planet of Elucca by some unknown means. Over a year after Murtua's creation, they crash-landed on that planet, Darrus being severly injured, and Autahr suffering complete and total amnesia.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The two-hundred-thirtieth article proposed by Iro is as follows:

Iro hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exists a planet known as "Jattillus" (jah-TIH-luhss) within the Solis Magna System.


Jattillus is a small barren planet that is roughly five-million mio from the star. It is brutally cold, and there is very little life on Jattillus, aside from a race of giants known as the Jattillan (jah-TIH-luhn).


The Jattillan are generally three bio tall and exhibit powers of Telekinesis and Gravity. They wear breathing devices that supply them with air, much needed for this group of nomads. They do not, however, travel around their planet. Instead, they travel to other planets by using their powers, often settling in one place for a millennia or so before moving on to another. They have visited the planets of Elucca and Spherus Magna, the latter being visited sometime around 1,007 Y.A.G.C., roughly five years prior to Murtua's creation.


One Jattillan, a being known as Gravemos (grah-VEH-mohs), would eventually purchase Mata Nui's sword on Spherus Magna, before permanently settling on Murtua.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The two-hundred-thirty-first article proposed by Iro is as follows:

Iro hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exist Kanohi known as Arkaiva (ahr-KIGH-vuh), the Great Mask of Leech, which allow the user to absorb the energy from another single living target within a two bio radius. The range of the Noble version is approximately half this size.


The newly acquired energy can either be used to restore the exhausted stores of the user, or it can be directly applied to the user's other powers, strengthening them. The energy absorbed by the Arkaiva cannot, however, be used to strengthen its' own power or range. Furthermore, the mask also has the ability to detect when a target's energy is roughly three-quarters depleted, and cannot absorb any reserves from a target beyond this point.


Toa would not typically wear this mask, as they feel its' power is immoral.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The two-hundred-thirty-second article proposed by Iro is as follows:

Iro hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" the Kanohi worn by Trinuma shall henceforth be known as the Kiivailu (KEE-vigh-loo), Great Mask of Charisma, until such time as a Canon Kanohi name is revealed. Furthermore, an alternate term for this mask shall be the "Mask of Zealotry".


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The two-hundred-thirty-third article proposed by Iro is as follows:

Iro hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exist Kanohi known as Vosveth (VAHS-vehth), the Great Mask of Puppetry, which grant the user the ability to control another weaker being's body for a short time. When affected by the Vosveth, the target's mind is placed into a sleep-like trance and they are not aware of what the Vosveth-wearer has forced them to do.


This mask differs from most, as its' refresh rate is very slow. After a single use, the wearer cannot reactivate the mask power until the Kanohi has had adequate time to power itself back up. This can take two to three hours on average, depending upon the duration of use and the level of resistance from the target's own willpower. The Noble version often replenishes itself faster, because the duration of use and range of possible targets is far less than those available to a user bearing the Great version.


Toa would not typically wear this mask, as they feel its' power is immoral.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


The two-hundred-thirty-fourth article proposed by Iro is as follows:

Iro hereby proposes that within "The C.I.R.C.L.E. Universe" there exist Kanohi known as Zech (ZEHK), the Great Mask of Anger, which permit the user to target a being's emotional anger and increase or decrease the levels as they see fit. The mask is capable of sending even Toa into uncontrollable rages. This mask is one of the few to have Elemental Powers, although it will not boost the user's powers if they already have Anger abilities.


Some Toa feel that the Kanohi Zech is an immoral mask, while others disagree.


Now, feel free to discuss this proposal in this thread and then vote.


All in favor vote "AYE".


All opposed vote "NAY" with an explanation.


And with that said, I open this thread up for discussion on the various articles for the proposed enhancement of our group structure and joint storyline.


Please be sure to vote on all seven articles in this thread.


Also, note that this discussion and the corresponding voting will end at 1200 PST (Noon in the Pacific Time Zone) on Monday, June 7th, 2010 provided at least 2/3 of C.I.R.C.L.E. members have voted at that point.


Lastly, the C.I.R.C.L.E. members will be notified of the results via the C.I.R.C.L.E. Results Overview & Discussion thread, however, when there are other blog threads where authors can vote on the proposals surrounding the details of C.I.R.C.L.E., that communication will still happen via PM.






Recommended Comments

Article 180a- Aye. Very Interesting =)

Article 229- Aye

Article 230- Aye

Article 231- Aye

Article232- Aye

Article 233- Aye

Article 234- Aye.


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Also, Ausar... I was wondering if a new map design would be needed for the newly formed star-system if the articles about new planets go through. If so, I would have no problems in helping with the map making.

That sounds like a splendid idea, I'll be sure to include that in an upcoming PM I intended to send you about a C.I.R.C.L.E. Logo redesign. :lol:



Ah yes, 'tis that time again I suppose! :D Thankfully with new software the logo design should go much easier this time around.

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Yes, I would say that is a reasonable solution and one that would cause me to change my vote to Aye on that proposal. But until we make that official and until I get some word from Iro on making the Mask of Leech an elemental mask, my vote on these two articles remains undecided.

Since the Avsa is already the Canon Mask of Hunger I don't believe that the prospective Arkaiva should be considered Elemental. :shrugs:


Ah, true, I had forgotten about the Avsa being called Mask of Hunger. I'm still not quite sure, because now that you mention that, this mask is actually pretty redundant. But I guess I will give a reluctant Aye. As for 234 - assuming we can say it is considered immoral by only some Toa, my vote is also Aye.

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"AYE" to Article 180.

"AYE" to Article 229.

"AYE" to Article 230.

"AYE" to Article 231.

"AYE" to Article 232.

"AYE" to Article 233.

"AYE" to Article 234.

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