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Project Terra Update #11



Project Terra Update #11


As far as progress goes, the third dungeon is fully mapped, and all of the puzzle/item finding elements have been added in. There's still a bit of story programming left to do, and a charset to be made for the dungeon's boss, but there isn't much left after that before the game can go into testing. I have to admit that the dungeons, with the exception of the second one, are going to be very same-y in the Demo, but given the locations I've chosen, there wasn't much room for a drastic variation. At least with the last cliff-looking one, you'll get a real sense that you're in a different sort of place, especially by the time you approach the end.


Also, as I said in the Piraka Mania topic, there isn't going to be much emphasis on puzzles in Project Terra. There will be a couple of rudimentary puzzles in the Demo, but nothing terribly complex: you'll have to be dealing with enemies the entire time, so brainwork will be kept to a minimum. Besides, you don't see very many opportunities for block-pushing or switch-pressing when you're climbing mountains or wading through sewers (not that I haven't tried that, but this game's supposed to be more serious, so random things like that are a bit out of the question).


Now, on to the screenshots (like I promised)!


Dungeon #2: The Sewer System



Dungeon #3: The Mountain



If you're wondering what dungeon #1's big fancy title is, it's The Cliffs. It's not really that big (or spectacular) a dungeon. Also, as I said earlier (somewhere), the main reason I even include it as a dungeon is because it has a boss at the end.


And... I just spotted a graphical flaw in the second screenshot... fixing...


Seeing as you've seen two screenshots already, I think another character bio would be overkill at this point, so… that's it for this update. For the next update, I'll try to wait until the stuff for the alpha-beta (as Neya put it) is done and sent out. I also think I'll reveal some more substantial information, like the location of the first island in the Demo, and maybe a screenshot of the second town. We'll see.


EDIT: It turns out there was a bit more left to do than I initially thought, mostly in little graphical bits that were too small and isolated to make their way onto the official checklist (like a Matoran sprite that needs an injured leg and a boss charset that I'm not too happy with). Still, the Demo should be done and sent out to the alpha-beta testing sometime this week, and the Demo (and topic) will be released sometime before Brickworld.


EDIT 2: I may just add in a screenshot of a sprite for the city region (namely the overworld sprite for it). It's looking really good, and will help give a sense of scale for the game, since I may as well include the graphic for the second town for comparison.


Recommended Comments

Wow. These are some pretty decent graphics...


Thanks. Wait until you see some of the battle graphics (namely enemies). I've worked pretty hard to make sure the colors get preserved in their conversion to the 256-color pallette, which isn't easy with some of these enemies (a Metru-Red enemy with green eyes gave me some trouble, as well as a Metru-Green with red eyes one). Although, in contrast, the battle animations are nothing special, and are mostly default ones (the really spectacular ones are coming much later, and will be involved in that second, super-secret battle mechanic I've mentioned).


Also, on the subject of graphics, I've only got one charset left to make (and some story stuff left to do), and then the game'll be ready to go into testing. It won't be long now...

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