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Woah -- Plot Twist!



Saturday, January 6, 2007

Look back at yesterday's entry, which was about my brother's school getting canceled. Well, we have a plot twist, friends.

I was in one of my high school classes yesterday when another student said to me, "Someone broke into your school."

"What?" I said, at first a little taken by surprise, since my old grade school doesn't come up in conversation much anymore, especially with students who didn't go there with me.

Sure enough, he told me that someone had broken into the school and vandalized it. The kid pulled out the paper and showed me the article.

What I read was pretty shocking, and evidently the business about the school being closed because of mechanical problems had merely been an unconfirmed rumor. Some vandals had smashed in the glass doors of the preschool/kindergarten wing. They went inside and then got hold of about ten of the fire extinguishers and sprayed their contents everywhere -- on the walls, in the drinking fountains, and other places. They probably would have trashed the place more if the dust from the extinguishers hadn't set the fire alarm off. They must've bolted when that happened, taking the fire extinguishers with them -- there had to have been at least five or so people there if they were able to carry off that many containers.

Personally, it sounds like the eigth-graders to me. The police department itself is saying that this typically would have been done by young people, and I think this is kids who just don't want to go back to school that badly. Clearly they went over the top. Most of the time when kids mess with stuff in the school, it's to spite the faculty's ignorance. But this was different. This time, there were no unlocked doors or open lockers. This time, they actually caused damage to cause damage. Too bad. Although my brother isn't complaining, of course.


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