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Aww Heck Year Discounts Be Jealous







Makes the sets so much more worth it, especially when you know you're not spending 8 bucks on 19 pieces.


At a local Kroger Marketplace (Kroger's competition to Walmart's Supercenters). Last place you'd expect (or didn't even think of) to have discounts, huh? They had every Stars set 50% off, all the Legends left (several Kiina and a Gelu, but the Gelu's gone by now) as well as the Raid VPR, these Indiana Jones sets, and the Rock Wrecker. Oddly no Ben 10. >_<


I was especially surprised by the discount on Raid VPR, since last year's $10 set, Freeze Ray Frenzy, still isn't on discount.


Kinda wish I got Gresh instead of Tahu, but that VPR is great (but not worth $10).


I'm thinking about buying either the Rock Wrecker or those Indiana planes, do any of you guys think they're worth it?


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Cool Convertibles don't just pop out of nowhere you know.


And no, but VPR's parts are pretty decent for a set of its class. Where else are you gonna find an inexpensive way to attain white panels if you don't use that parts-buying site?


Who the heck would buy a Star for MOCing?

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wait who the heck are you


*looks at previous names*


Oh hi Zip.


Ya sweet deals. B)


Gresh is certainly better. Like, in every way conceivable.

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I don't remember the last time I saw decent-sized panels used in a Bionicle MOC.


Tahu I kinda figured was an exception, just because it's Tahu, who hasn't been seen since '03 (Tahu Mistika doesn't count).

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I don't remember the last time I saw decent-sized panels used in a Bionicle MOC.


>implying that it's only for Bionicle MOCs


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Since when do you make anything else?


>implying that I'm just talking about myself.


Anywho, I still don't get your gripe about them not being useful. Especially in Bionicle MOCs.



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