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Talking To Myself...



The other day I was reading Pearls Before Swine and there was a section where Rat was saying that it would be better to pile your writing under a box than in a blog, because it would still get the same amount of views but without the cost of internet service.


I can relate, but I don't really mind. I like talking (or writing) to, essentially, myself. I have my own computer where there's no internet access, and nobody goes on it but me. I started off by writing some personal diaries, which I didn't want anybody to read anyway. Then I went and started writing a whole series of epics there. It's pretty amazing... I probably have over 1000 pages of MS Word documents typed up (with 1 inch margins and size 15 font, single spaced). I'm sure no one is ever going to read any of the stuff besides me, but I like it. It gives me plenty of time to practice my writing, and learn new ways to tell a story and new words to use. And it might even come in handy if I decide to write a story for my Senor Project in High School.


Anyway, besides some ranting to myself, I'll announce that I have the sequel to Kulagi's Kanoka started (six chapters currently written) and I plan to read Gali Gee's and IQKid42's stories over the summer (and maybe DK's, BKoD's, and Kumata's if those start up again). And I will give an attempt at that S&T contest. Really, all it is is a story contest... there should be a few links to it from the Short Story Forum. :sly:




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Heh, that's the interesting thing about having a blog as opposed to a private journal/diary.


When you have a blog, everyone can read and comment on it. You can get opinions and thoughts from the readers (if there are any :glare:), etc., but you can't (or at least wouldn't want to) post anything too private on a blog, since it's pretty much open for the public to read.


With a diary you can write absolutely anything, but no one can read it and you can't get any opinions.


So it's pros versus cons, really, as with most things... Just thought I'd post that little tidbit. ^_^



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Well, if you're gonna enter the S&T Contest, by all means, hurry up! 4 days left! *gasp*


And you should join, too. :P

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I remember that one. Pearls is one of the best comics, isn't it?

hey, here's your first reply!

I bet you have some great stroies on your computer. If any are epics, you can easily keep one going and not have to worry about writers' block.

Keep it up.


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It turns out I wasn't talking to myself as much as I thought I was. The listeners and repliers were just invisible to me... I've found them now. :evilgrin:



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