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My Friend...

Republic Commando Sev


Friday Morning, I found out that my Friend was riding horses with her sister and friend, and her horse ran her into a ditch, and fell on top of her. They put her in the hospital with a concussion, minor memory loss, and a torn and bruised lung.

She's recovering pretty quickly, and they hope to get her out of the hospital soon.

Please pray that she'll recover all the way, and get out soon.


EDIT: I guess the "Ditch" she feel into was made out of concrete, and on top of that she was galloping when her horse slipped into it. She slid 20 ft down. On Concrete. Ouch. *Pictures on the 3rd post*

She was able to get out of the hospital today, thankfully.


EDIT II: I was able to talk to her and her friends today, and here's what happened. (She doesn't remember what happened, so her friend told me) She was galloping on her horse, when her horse scooted too far to the left, and fell into the ditch. The horse pitched forward, and threw her off. She and the horse went sliding 20ft, the horse on it's back. (The saddle was able to protect a large portion of the horse).

The picture of the ditch I have below is when it was "cleaned up". I guess afterwards thier was blood, from her and the horse, and hair from the horse everywhere. She was wearing a pink helmet, and her friend said you could see a pink skid mark from her helmet going the whole 20 ft. down.




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I, Sev, know for a fact that she will recover very quickly and fully.

How do you know that, eh?

I guess she was able to get out today.

Also, I guess it wasn't really a "ditch" it was a long ditch made of concrete, and she was galloping when her horse slipped into it. I guess she went sliding for 20ft.

Here's a pic. of her arm:





I'd get a pic. of her face, but, well, you know...


Here's a pic. of the ditch:




So her horse fell into that while galloping, and she ended up sliding along it for 20 ft.


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