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Happy Memorial Day/birthday To Brenmac!

MT Zehvor


First off, a moment of silence in remembrance of all the people who have given their lives in defense of the US.




Next, a moment of not so silence for Brenmac's birthday! Happy Birthday old friend!




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Thanks guys. You're all awesome. And thanks for the comic Mesonak!


Also, as I write this, I'm currently uploading pics of the Zehvor to Brickshelf!


They include:





Samzoraz (I say this because his name was added to the list of Zehvor on the TBTTRAH Wiki, and it was apparently him who made the edit.)


Mr. Matoro


Tarakavarbiter (In a group shot)


EDIT:After looking at the pics, some of them came out too blurry and so I will have to retake and re-upload them again. (The second batch came out too dark) Sorry guys.


-Zehvor Brenmac :)

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Wow, this third batch came out way better!


The Zehvor:







Mr. Matoro



I was preparing a group shot of the Zehvor so that's why Samzoraz is kinda in my Self-MOC's pic. (Also, the picture of me provided here is not how I look in Aftermath. It is, however, how my my character will look in the upcoming Me and my Bionicles reboot/continuation, The Bionicle Stories.)


Coming soon:


Zehvor Group picture (If anyone still wants to see that)


PT and UT(As Rahkshi, as that's how I always envisioned them)




So yeah, there they are. Tell me what you think. Please make all criticism constructive.


-Zehvor Brenmac :)


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Sonu NEEDS MOAR WHITE, for one thing.


Likeys how the staff blade is my old sword. Maybe reverse it? And what's with the random Rhotuka on there?


I'm assuming you no haz Metru Hau?


Likeys Iruini armor and shield, since that was what I had originally anyway.


Gold feet?


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You're right. For a Toa of White Fire, my MOC of Sonu sure ended up lacking white in his color scheme.


I chose to use the blade staff because I really liked how it was originally designed, though I don't know you mean by "reverse it". Do you mean to switch the upper part of the staff around? I added a Rhotuka because I liked the idea of a sort of "2-in-1" weapon.


Since I never got Lhikan, no, I don't have a Metru Hau.


And yes, I do have the gold feet from Toa Iruni. However, I used them on PT. If I switched them around, I think a little red would clash with a mostly grey color scheme.


But thanks for your opinions Sonu!


-Zehvor Brenmac :)

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1. Nice to know you're not colorblind. :P But yeah, swapping out some parts for red would be nice. Maybe alternate with red-white-red-white?


2.Yes, I do.


3. He already has the Rhotuka shield, though. :P


4. Ah. Well, I'll skim over that one.



Ah. Well, I'll skim over that one.


6. No prob.

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I like this group a lot better than the last one. Really liking that Kpik one(double Inika swords ftw). Brenmac looks kinda awkward with the Nuva kneepads, but everything else there is good. I also liked how you put the Rhotuka launcher on Sonu's spear.


The MT was good, but this one will always hold a special place in my heart as my favorite non MT made MT MoC.


My favorite one was Mr. Matoro. That is quite possibly the coolest Matoran design I have seen. I think you got him down perfectly(except for the mask, and finding a silver Pakari is hard)



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Thanks for the surprisingly positive feedback MT. I'm surprised that my MOC of the Phantoka version of you is your favorite, Thanks a lot for that.


Anyways, I just came back from a day (and by a day I mean three hours) of shopping in celebration of my birthday. And what was the haul, you may ask?





All the Bionicle Stars

Two new Godzilla figures (Godzilla Millenium and First Godzilla)

Five packs of Gremlins 2 cards


Maybe I'll take some pictures later. But thanks to all of you!


-Zehvor Brenmac :)

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To Gorgnak-My MOC of you ended up being red because...that's just how he ended up.


Assassin-Yeah, no you. I didn't have the parts I wanted to use. (Well I do, I just used them elsewhere.)


-Zehvor Brenmac :)

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