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Watashi Wa


So tomorrow is my first test of 2007. The test is on American Lit, so it should be fairly easy to memorize all of the authors and such...I just wish they didn't throw in artists too. <_< Hopefully I'll do exceptionally well on this test, because I pretty much bombed the first quiz (but it was a pop-quiz, so it's not my fault :P).


But anywho, Lost Planet comes out on Friday!! I'm probably more excited about this game than I was for GoW. I didn't know how good GoW was until I bought it, but I actually played a Lost Planet demo, so I know what to expect. It got a good review from a fairly big website, so hopefully it will live up to the hype. Capcom had better fixed that tiny text or I'ma be supa mad!!


Oh, and went and saw Thr3e this weekend with a group of friends. I read the book awhile ago, so I knew the plot and the ending, but the movie was actually pretty good. The movie followed the book very well, so that made it better. And they did a better job at showing the ending than I thought they were going to. You guys definately have to see the movie or read the book. It's a great story either way. I only wish the movie was a bit more scary/suspensful.


And then I saw a trailer for House another great book co-written by the guy that wrote Thr3e and by Frank Peretti. The whole book is generally very twisted and freaky, I can only imagine that the movie is going to be just as weird. It's coming out in October, so we have a few months to wait. You guys should definately check out the book.


I'm trying to find some videos to put on my Zune. I'd love to have some Samurai Champloo, Bleach, or Full Metal Alchemist episodes to go on there for whenever I go on trips. Those are a few of my favorite shows.


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WaWa is failing American Lit? :o


I have yet to see Thr3e... I plan to eventually. I'll probably just wait to rent the DVD when it comes out.


Bleach, Full Metal Alchemist, and Samurai Champloo are indeed awesome. (You forgot to add Inuyasha which is the best. :P )



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Nah, don't think I'm failing American Lit now. The test was fairly easy, I just think memorizing authors and their works is a pain in you know where.


And yeah, Thr3e is a great book. The movie came out on Friday. Make sure you read House next, ok? ;)


Renting it would be a good way to see it too. If you do want to see it in the theatre though, go during matinee pricing is still going on.


Inuyasha < Naruto (jap. vers.) < FMA < SC < Bleach :P

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Yay! Watashi is an anime fan and he likes the best shows on earth! do you have a faveourite Full metal character?


Is that american lit thing hard? it sounds interesting, what is it exactly?

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I'd say General Mustang is about the coolest character evar. Anyone that can manipulate flames owns. :P


American Lit isn't too hard. I just hate memorizing authors and their works. American Lit is just a whole bunch of stories written about, or centered upon America.

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*Slaps* No one should get more excited than getting GoW......... unless they got a reserve on Halo 3 Beta like me :P. Yeah, my 1st English (includes American Lit., Grammer, and Spelling) included artists too. Although they weren't much of a pain, just because it was artist-work of art.


And yes, General Mustang does own. But I like Ed's temper :psychotwitch:.


Inuyasha<SC<Naruto (Jap. ver.)<Bleach<FMA. Get it right next time ;) .

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I'd say General Mustang is about the coolest character evar. Anyone that can manipulate flames owns. :P


American lit sounds Kinda fun...to bad I live in canada. and Mustang is pretty cool flame is one of the best elements to have under power, Armstrong scares me a bit, I really like Al, cheska whinry and scar though.

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