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"i'm Still Missing My Pillow..."

Watashi Wa


Ignore the bad grammar and spelling, I was in a rush when I orignally wrote this.



Wow. Beach camp was a blast. Sooo much better than Springville camps.


Let's see...we got there Friday, put our stuff in our room, claim beds, get changed and go to the beach. The water was AMAZING. It was clear and so warm. You guys should'a been there. So we had like 5 hours to do whatever we wanted...so yeah...the night service was later, t'was pretty goood. That night though, our room didn't go to bed until like 4 in the morning, and we had to get up at 8 to eat...but golly, the people below us got sooo mad and it was hilarious because they had to keep sending people upstairs to our room. of course we just ignored them. supposedly their light was about to break off the ceiling.So we finally went to sleep..nothing really happened Saturday, we actually went to bed at like 12 though...but Sunday...it got REALLY fun..it was the last day so of course everyone was acting crazy and such...people getting thrown into the pool, etc. anywho...after the service we had a concert (Cambden, they were pretty good, fun to mosh too) and I was in my first mosh pit. rock on. oh, and while we were in the concert, a few guys from our room go into the girls room and totally trashed it. score. So...after that...everyone's chillin...people are up on the balcony dropping water on people below...and so this one guy in our room got wet and he thinks he's all big and bad and whatever...so he plans to get back the person the THINKS dropped water on him...so he gets a trash can and fills it up and totally drenches this other guy...needless to say, this guy was TICKED. he almost immediately took off running for the fat kid...luckily, the fat kid locked himself in our room...so the kid couldn't get him...I had a key to the room though. I was about to let the guy into the room..it was all so hilarious...the kid that got the trash can thrown on him was almost ready to kill...loooool. so that happens and the counselors have to tell us to go to our rooms, whatever....so we do...later in the night though...the counselor from OUR room...comes out of no where and throws in a single firecracker and it pops...scares the poo out of us...we calm down, but then later...some other dude throws in like a little strap of them...and they go off...scare the poo outa us again. but this time there was enough smoke to set of the fire alarm...looool. i think i know who did it, but we never found out...dang this camp ruled.


Someone stole my pillow. Seriously...I was laying on my pillow before service and when I came back...no pillow. I had my pillow case, but no pillow. That pillow was marked with my own blood too.


Stealing a pillow is like throwing a shoe. Honestly, who throws a shoe?





I know it's hard to read and might not make ANY sense whatsoever, but that's what happend to WaWa this weekend, and by golly it was fun.


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Now that's bizzare. We were woken by a cannonade

of firecrackers once. Noise, noise everywhere.

I slept in my clothes, so I was the only one ready.

Yeah. You can picture it, me, wandering around in

the midst of these dressing people, and the lights

are flashing, and I have no clue what's going on

and people are too busy dressing to tell me. Not fun.



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Weeird dude. And you think I'm weird, huh :P? Well, I've had a much worse time at camp before. One year, I got sick off of badly cooked chicken, and about 10 other people. I ate 1 and I wasn't that hungry after that, and about 20 other guys at the whole plate of badly cooked chicken and they were sick for the whole week. I never ate chicken for 6 months, no joke. Well, I wonder what could have happened to your pillow. I remember that soaking people prank thing, that happened to me at Camp Copass, it's a little bit passed Dallas. Anyway......... wait a minute, you marked your pillow with your blood, o.e *that's a disgusted face, you know with the 1 eye open and the other eye half-way closed with the bottom eye lid.., you get the picture*. Anyway, hope you get into another mosh pit. You can't beat my record :P *cough* 6 *cough*. That may not be alot to some people, but to southerner's it is :lol: .

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