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Funniest Thing Happened In Math Today...



Okay, so we're in Math class, and we're doing graphs of trig functions, like sine and cosine, the wavy curves, right? And my teacher wants to demontstrate. Now, I need you to visualize the situation here: we have this whiteboard with a coordinate plane printed on it, made specifically for math teachers, so they can use a dry-erase marker and draw graphs right onto it, right? Now on one side is the standard cartesian coordinate plane, but on the reverse side is a plane made specifically for trig graphing: the x-axis is in units of pi/4 and 2pi and stuff, and the y-axis is shifted over to the left a bit. So that's all very convenient: to get at the trig graph you just need to flip the whiteboard over.


See, here's what the area looks like:

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We got the whiteboard hung on the wall by two hooks: that way you can unhook it from the pins in the wall, flip it over, and hang it back up. They're not really hooks like in the diagram, but close enough.


It's hung at about eye level, so the items on the table below it barely overlap. On the table we have, naturally, the dry erase eraser, for obvious reasons. That's also where the bins of scrap paper are, for doing your work and all that stuff.


Now we have two students: Alex, who's seat is over there by the whiteboard and table, and Sid, who just happens to be grabbing some scrap paper.


So my teacher's about to start on the whole graphing thing and she goes, "Uh, Sid and Alex, could you flip that whiteboard over for me? Just get the hooks there and turn it around."


Seems simple enough, doesn't it?


Alex heads over and immediately gets the left hook unhooked, eases the whiteboard down, and holds it, waiting for Sid to get the right side down.


Sid spends about five minutes fumbling with the hook. Alex is sorta just hanging there, lugging the entire weight of the whiteboard. Finally Alex goes, "Here, let me do that side." So Sid abandons his hook, comes to the other side, and holds onto the board, thus freeing Alex to go over to the other side and unhook the right hook in a matter of two seconds. Then between each other they manage to get the board flipped over so that the trig plane is facing out.


They then proceed to rehook the hooks. Then they realize that since the items on the table were overlapping the whiteboard before, they can't let the whiteboard rest against the wall like that because those bins are in the way. So they have to unhook the whiteboard (since their hands are obviously not free to remove the items) and slide it in behind the bins. Alex gets his rehooked in a few seconds. Sid is again fumbling with the hook. He wiggles the board a little.


SLAM! The stack of two bins of scrap paper is knocked forward onto the ground. Sid's like "... whaaaaat...?" and then he continues fumbling with the hook, more carefully. THWOOM THUMP! The eraser and the OTHER bin fall off the table. Sid simply gives up.


"I only came over here to get some scrap paper!"


Someone else has to step in and rehook his side for him.


It was simply hilarious. Sad, but funny.


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