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Nuu Fullmetal Alchemist




Today was a day off from school, so I took advantage of it to shop for a gift for my friend, whose birthday is this Saturday. Yesterday and today, I drew a card with Roy Mustang (FMA) on it.

Then today, I went to an anime-dedicated store downtown. When I got there, I was the only customer, but the store was full of so many beautiful figurines and kits and merchandise that I didn't care. Despite the loneliness, the guy at the register was easy to talk to, and we discussed FMA a little bit. He also helped me pick out the gift (FMA-themed, mind you). Then I got myself a Sebastian (Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler) cell phone thingy (it's really cute <3).

After that I wandered around the city, went to the used bookstore but bought nothing, and then wandered around some 30 more streets before going on the train home.

At home, I turn on the computer and go check out what manga series had updated. Sure enough, FMA has a new chapter. But, it's the last chapter of all time, and it's at least 100 pages long. It was a good ending, but this day has sure been freaky - hints towards the end of the series have been bombarding me the entire day.

And then Dudebot and I cried together about the chapter. ;_;


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Hughes was my favorite character.


That was why it crushed me so much when he was killed in the FMA anime (Not Brotherhood... I haven't watched the entire thing, so I dunno if he dies/dies the same way).



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