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My Pop Obbsession....*sigh*

Lady Kopaka


*Comment time*


Nikira, oops, my mistake. Not 4 notebooks, 3, I have only gone threw 3 during this year. And also don't worry, I usually never use printing paper...Now unless I am just doodling.


Takatu, Demon Hunter is a great band, its good metal, but not the annoying kind that all they do is scream. I'd suggest looking them up.

O_o we're going threw some weird PoP faze together.


Zieg, thanks, I am going to miss you a lot on the trip, no one to mic now. ;_;




OKies, now I am very happy now, I am currently listening to the new Prince of Persia my Sands of Time music, I have all the songs from it, bwahaha. Now I must find Warrior Within and The Two Thrones.

The music is so good, I have always loved that Middle Eastern style, and then of course the hard electric guitars in some are amazing.


MUST...BUY..Two Thrones....


Though I do admit it isn't the best, I really favor Warrior Within, it has the best plot, and the prince looks cooler in it. Though SoT is great...Still unsure about TTT though.


In fact I was just playing SoT, haven't played that one in awhile, forgot how fun it is, but I have beat it to many times...


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Ok I am boring you mmhh?


Well, I worked again for dad today, mom asked if I wanted to go swimming with the rest of the family, but I said I needed to finish my work. (To some extent) But just 30 minutes after they left, I had trouble with the site I was going to. (It went down or something...) So now I wish I could have gone swimming.


One of dad’s clients is over, nice guy really and friendly, we ate dinner with him, but it’s weird....


WOW long post....


*Skips off to play WW*


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I loved playing PoP:SoT but after I saw the...scene...you know the one right near the end where she an he...in the water...Well I eventually beat the game but didn't know weather to get the mature WW and TTT. How bad is WW? Does it have any scenes like that one in SoT?

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Nah, WW is rated M due to the larger amount of violence (the sand monsters bleed in this one). However, there is one similar scene at the end if you get the secret ending, which I recommend, cuz that ending sets up for T2T.


Speaking of T2T, OMG, it's so worth it LK. There's a LOT more you can do in the acrobatics area of gameplay. Plus there's the really cool Speed Kill system.


Oh, and get used to being the Sand Wraith in WW, because as the Dark Prince in T2T, once more your health gradually drops, and you need sand to bring it back up. But it's worth it when you get the chain.

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OK. I'll see if I can find a way NOT to get the secret ending.


Oh, and LK, did you know that there is a movie of POP comming in the next few years?

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