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Hero Factory



The metal sphere shooter is a brute force weapon, used by Heroes who favor brawn over finesse. (Yes, we’re talking about YOU, Dunkan Bulk.)


As an added feature, a guitar or synthesizer can be plugged into the Sonic Boom Weapon, which then functions as a music speaker/amplifier. Great for parties!


The function of the surrounding blades has not yet been determined, but one senior analyst suggests they are there to make the entire staff "look scary."


This lean fighting machine gives new meaning to cool, since he’s also a musician. His musical bent even comes through when he is literally blowing away bad guys with his sonic bass blasts.


So he just goes with the flow and enjoys the satisfaction he gets from doing the job when he’s not cranking out a new tune. Stringer’s taste in music is far from mellow, but this Hero always seems to be.


This explosive thug is not one of Von Nebula’s ‘regular’ paid assassins. He’s an underworld criminal that’s rich and powerful on his own. But if the job looks interesting enough, he can be persuaded to join in. Xplode has a wit nearly as sharp as the poison tipped projectiles lining his massive frame.


This hovering henchbot is Xplode’s sycophant flunky. As the name implies, he has a blade that not only enables him to fly at his victims, but also try and take their heads off. It could explain why he has such a twisted sense of humor.


I love this new line. <3


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