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Make Topics Already



What's the fascination of making official topics anyway?
For some reason, people feel compelled to be the starter of something big: something they can put their name on (not just here but in real life). In Completely Off Topic, I guess this big thing would fall on games and official topics because they need to be approved. Maybe people want to have their name on things like that, but the truth is:


Somewhere down the line, no one will remember or care.
People aren't going to think about who started an official topic: that's not why those topics exist. Those topics exist to talk about certain (usually very popular) subjects; it doesn't matter who started a topic: the important thing is a topic exist. In the official topics I visit, I don't care who started them: I just care they exist for one centralized location of discussion for the various aspects of a subject.


What am I saying? I'm saying if you think there should be a topic about something that can actually be discussed, and there is no living topic about it, make one for it. Topics don't have to be official to be discussed; if a Forum Leader feels a subject deserves it, s/he can officialize a topic.


Maybe somewhere down the line if a subject is constantly brought up or discussion lasts long enough or dupes are often made, then a Forum Leader might be more open to the possibility of agreeing to let an official topic be made. Just because something is currently popular doesn't necessarily mean it will get an official topic: popular things can die down. (If you don't believe me, think about what was popular ten or twenty years ago... some of you may have to ask a parent about the latter one.)


I am aware that official topics are immune to the revival rule, but just as easily as they were officialized, the topics can be closed and discussion indefinitely silenced (no names please). Or if a topic hasn't been touched in a very long time or is no longer valid, it can be de-officialized. (The second is more likely in Storyline & Theories, but it can apply to any forum.)


Besides, if we only had official topics in each of the forums, there wouldn't be much room for things that don't fall into an official category. Remember, COT does not stand for "Completely Official Topics."


©1984-2007 Toaraga EAM

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