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I just hosted my going-away party. Life is hectic, mad scary, and oh so very, very sweet. The Lego collection is just about packed up and will be gone tomorrow. I hope it finds its way to some kids who will appreciate it and get something out of it. I'm suddenly faced with an unexpected choice: should I go ahead with the wild hobo adventure as planned, or opt for the wild hippie adventure instead? Decisions, decisions... :bigsmile:




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Well, I don't know when we'll next hear from you again, so I wish you the best of luck and send my blessings. Have a safe and happy journey. :)
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Its been an honor to know you, and I know we'll talk again some day.


Keep followin' your own path, Man. You're one of the few.



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Thanks so much to you all for your kind words and for all that which goes unspoken, yet beams from your hearts like a beacon.


The hippie thing came up and it seems a perfect fit, way too perfect for mere chance. So it's either destiny... or distraction. I do feel more like a hobo than a hippie inside. But the former road is a hard one. I've been attracted to the hard road because I've felt the need to find myself through adversity, but then on the other hand, what's the point of choosing trouble over fun? In a way the hippie thing is even more outside my comfort zone, and that might make it a better choice, who knows. Both choices offer a great deal of valuable learning experience... Well, I still have some time to decide. I'll go with what feels right. EDIT: Someone just gave me the most powerful and beautiful reminder that it matters not what you do, only that you do it with conscious love. That is what is essential and it's the only thing that matters.


Obviously, you won't be seeing much of me here anymore. Out with the old, in with the new. But I'll always hold dear my memories of these eight years I've been a member of BZPower.


I don't know what to say without sounding all melodramatic, pretentious, or preachy, so I'll just say this: have a good life. And thank you, thank you all.



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