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Rpg Storyline

MT Zehvor


K, so RPG's back online after a hiatus of all of half a day. Anyways, we've got a rough draft storyline.


This is how it goes:


Location: Spherus Magnus

Date: 37KL12

Story: It has been 3,000 years since Makuta's fall to Mata Nui. In that time, the fallen bodies of both Makuta and Mata Nui have been reverse-engineered to create amazing technology, and many amazing advances in communcation, travel, and warfare have been discovered. One of these was the first ever spaceship. Followed by the first ever large scale spaceship. And then the first contact with an alien race. This alien race called themselves, "Terna."


The Terna was only the first race that the Bionicles on Spherus Magnus would meet. They eventually discovered the jungle inhabitants of Valderra, the cave dwelling inhabitants on Arcilos, and a biomechanical race, similar to the Bionicles, that lived on a hovering city in the atmosphere of a gas giant called Deavum Sigma. The Bionicles made good friends with each race, and a period of peace and prosperity ensued.


The peace did not last, however. Just 16 years after the alliance with the Terna was formed, a Toa ship on a diplomatic mission to Valderra was intercepted and destroyed by Terna forces. Messages sent to the Terna by the outraged Bionicles were ignored. This alarmed those on Spherus Magnus, since the Terna were far more technologically advanced than the Toa, Matoran, Glatorian and Agori were, and would have little trouble winning a war if it was waged. Thus, the ruling council of Spherus Magnus(RCOSM) sent a message to all their other allies, the species living in Valderra, Arcilos, and Deavum Sigma.


There was no reply.


To figure out what happened, the RCOSM sent a garrison of Toa and Glatorian out to the volcanic/jungle world of Valderra, in order to find out what had happened, since that was where the original ship was destroyed. The garrison never returned either. Realizing that the Terna had wiped out all intellegent life on Valderra, and had more than likely done so on Arcilos and Valderra, the RCOSM believed with good reason that Spherus Magnus would be their next target. But since a war would end in utter failure, the RCOSM sent a message out to the top fighters in all of Spherus Magnus. A request to form a party, that could figure out what had happened on Valderra and the other planets, and figure out what had happened to the Terna as well.



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