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How I Feel





The last thing of required reading for school I actually enjoyed was Brave New World, and that is sci-fi.

Wait, I also had to read The Screwtape Letters and The Great Divorce. Not sci-fi, but still, "out there."

That was in high school.


"Proper" literature just does not do it for me. I would much rather read something of sci-fi and/or fantasy, so as to escape the boring and troublesome real world. (Plus, in school everything we read is old. Granted, so are things like BNW, The Giver, Alice in Wonderland books, but, as I said, not quite proper now is it?)


Edit: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern was also good. Read that sophomore year of college. Not bad, but would have been better were I not rushed into reading and completing it.


-CF :kakama:


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Huh. I didn't like Brave New World. 1984 is better, imo. Just finished Mother Night for summer reading, and I thought that was pretty good too.


If the literature we read in AP English was any indication of college reading, I can feel your pain.


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I cannot bring myself to read Tom Sawyer again. I fell asleep reading it three times, and got multiple headaches from reading it. The only reason why I kept on reading was for school. If not that, then I would've stopped reading after the first chapter. It was just so... boring.

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Granted, so are things like... The Giver

We read The Giver in class back in grade eight. It was a good book, but all those assignments to prove comprehension of language and themes just ruined it for me.


Anyway, you are correct: most books assigned in school are old and, more often than not, boring.

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I read The Giver back then because I wanted to, and loved it. We were not required to at all, or do exercises. My brother had to read it for school and I was sad because I feared he would then not like it because it was required. Having to examine every bit of detail and read it at a pace faster than you would like is another reason why a lot of the required reading for school ends up stinking when I think back at what I liked...or didn't.



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I was so disappointed to find out that Nineteen Eighty-Four wasn't required reading for my Grade 12 english class. The more sci-fi dystopian the better.



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