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She Blinded Me With Her Thermal Discouragement Beam



Rather than generate new and exciting content for your perusal, I have decided to framblang (syn: forcefully dump a large quantity) my latest musings and tidbits and suchnot into this entry.


"I read somewhere that a healthy breakfast helps concentration and have found that, since replacing my usual diet of [a marginally more unhealthy substance] with Froot Loops, I am able to move small objects with my mind."


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Work was cancelled today due to rain. Hurrah!


Also, Lego Harry Potter is now out. I must convince my sisters to get it somehow.


Latin: The language so holistic, it has a word for "reheated cabbage."


"The man had a birthmark that resembled the potential offspring of Turkey and Iceland."


was a fool and a madman to have gone into downtown Port Angeles this afternoon.


This thing called sleep I just can't handle it / this thing called sleep I must get round to it / And I'm ready / Crazy little thing called sleep


This must be what going mad feels like.


Cat weightlifting is pretty much the best thing ever.


had fun playing cards tonight. [This is actually an elaborate in-joke with one of my friends that we came up with that night.]


hates it when people try to play soccer at a vuvuzela concert.


Recommended Comments

That last one is probably my favorite recently, but many of these are awesome, as is usual with your insane amount of gifted cleverness.



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It rained and I still went to work. And mowed. :(


(Actually, I prefered weed eating in this weather. Rain keeps the dust / pollen down, and keeps you from overheating)



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