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Rpg Gameplay

MT Zehvor


I aired the first part of a gameplay demo of the RPG on a non BZP site yesterday, and it got a pretty good reception(except Blackout was dissapointed that his pet got stolen by TM). So far, it's looking like it's gonna be a pretty free range RPG, with open planets and stuff.


The only thing that I was able to air on time was a underground/acidy dungeon type place, and it worked out really well IMO. The platform jumping worked out nicely(using numbers to choose which platform would be jumped on). The spaceship(which will be called the Tecerra 7) added a nice touch as well, as people got to travel to different landing points and explore the planets from there. Another plus was the use of the Frost Beam to do stuff like freeze over a layer of rising acid or lava.


Didn't get to much planet exploration, sadly. I'm expecting to test some of that later with a demo crowd. It should be free exploration, as I said earlier. Multiple cities on each planet will mean many people to talk to, as well as people to possibly purchase items from, including longer attack times and the likes.


Boss combat is looking like it'll be turn based, or as close to that as I can get it. The two bosses I tried out last night worked pretty well. I'm still trying to instate a counterattack feature, but that's looking like it's gonna be difficult considering that BZP is a forum site and not a chat.


Space travel looks like it's gonna play a relatively minor part. Other than using the ship for traveling to other planets, it seems like it's not gonna be used at all.


Updates will continue as we demo more stuff.




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I'm a bit confused here. This doesn't sound like it's text-based, what with the purchasing of items, boss combat, and platforms. Do you know that you can't enter a non-TBRPG into the contest?

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It's text based, don't worry. Purchasing of items is stuff like allowing you to cover more ground between cities or different planets quicker. Platforms is still a work in progress, but it goes something like this:


You come to a set of platforms, numbered 1-6, above a lava pool(sp?). Which one do you jump to?(note: you can jump at most 3 platforms at a time)


[~1~~~~~~~3 ~~~~~~5~~~[

[~~~~~2 ~~~~~ 4~~~~~ 6~ [



Now, the numbered map thing will only be used in that situation to help illustrate the situation if necessary.


...and boss fights work just like any normal enemy fight, just they have more health.



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so this is sort of going to be like dungeons and dragons..?

Kinda. Some of the areas will have things like platforms in them, especially the acidic layers of Lower Valderra.


It's kinda like it, except it's not at the same time. The actual playing field is gonna be as wide open as possible, with pretty much complete freedom to visit whatever part of the planet whenever you want. And yet there's gonna be some times where, to recover an artifact(which I will explain further later), you're gonna have to go into a far less open area, with stuff like the platforms. So it's trying to combine the best of both worlds.



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Oh please. We all know I'm probably the only Zehvor who plays Dungeons and Dragons. The problem, MT, you'll face within dungeons is that you have to worry about multiple groups while on here, not just one. Which gets annoying.






-Toa Levacius Zehvor :flagusa:

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